
sirius ly e are we pr0 f0und en/de weak ly en0ugh en act u all y e w/e -2- ass u me in/c 0re p0re ate at/0 e/w/e-very-b0dy-e- ast hr u m in s0und ew 0re d-u-e-t-2-

the top thrumming storeys of the day-e-

bringing light to nonsense any way -e-

santa w/out thanks 2 any body actually no el and san ta

infant treat like woman going to war to save his-pre-mace-

no becal in no wind wit hind unless fi re a war at h is moment 00 ta ke place

te am ma te maet teem meet


love n ware scene complet too x 2 ti le ly en the hack tore in the inter um a b use two e in "knowonefreedom t prostitute you re you th and braved c ute chute shoe t shoot e

each is all the fantasy suitd 4 fiction to tel and print pc c wailing in forest t angle g r/0 w air 0 wear o ware o arrow

marrow paul makes me angry to my marrow in a words as see n inthe open b one to 2 2 to me w sole x solul et comforably s peak

heidi not good enugh not even too two ho e we

lee gal l process diverting funds never become one he n ough h

holding against a premiss erely can't relay t inn sume


res (c) que vein

avesta w-ords- w meshell 4 x complaint don't men their word but mean their words with me making up e-very - et -hinge- because i intend to be read and be meaning full in re all i tye w-the law -e- m-aid- en me -2- rent their theory for no reason tu be

trick le -d-0wn e the0ry e lee gal i l-ie-n-t- in ste ad e

re fi re standing premis nnorigen e all the whey

re pea t om e

gib bon bird ew ff ly e w in ds k lei

b odd i'll ye cc om p lea t e

bark tanned and called it back

bi te put inflection s pin on it any e way e

gif litter rage in inn fancy a gain re as it s tans 2 stand

head nurse does knot care if loss of patient-s in a re ars aid

stamin a miss tarry as much as u rentit hat way

te lo am ear e

t rac i has no repast int me as stent heart measure e w indifferene con stan t

reme dia dye m aid e for e luxury

w hole life has been a shame ate trite ly e all ass ow e double towoe gh-0

float y ewer e verye face -t w b rave rye me t e

war ped platter p roof of mat tare in dig ent see st ate vein fat ta ir ep roof in ye

hoist this thing over e made o vary e mad en of t e n on e n doo g ie nn

pie hole too the fallow separate ly e shallow e

2 noses ea m eye

dont have rit to enter tain a universal premise (with a lie) ie x is t with0ut establishing it

s hi t outa luck in gal i lee

no sustainability in giv in if no sustainability in reception

you not here except by me actually e speaking truth fully

me ark n arc n d-rug d-ated-s-u-m-e-

playing good against each other n playing me gong go od against myself to me notably open ly en loo too be

learn to live w ho ut n with in d

stability is what o ewe nnake it

th spirit is in the w/hord whirled w/horld w/herald in g's us to me sustainably e speaking fora re as 0n e t0 be co/m/e/ p/l/ea t e

can't have tree wood knot an dew ove w/ings with ing es owe nnuch sohome uch

the world doesn't stop gowe in g -0- ee d


Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

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t(h)e = te = eart hear e ad 0 t0 me tm 00r 0 w/h0~la r/e k/in d fin e're = the earth is ba/sis 0f electrick le current s 0m e in renditi0n e true a/rt/h en/ce (a)ll 0 v(e)alUe as th~e~ medium in(u)te am. 0.e X per i (h)ence. g. a in s0w e tm reflects ki n0.w/h0 e vein sUm e 0'ft en 0n e sense u+u/w/all & with~hall and 0 w/hale tr0ugh tre e 2 h0's~0vver a f(t)0ra re all se~eye fi/n g(er)0/0d e c 0re d0/0r an thrU min eye mum~e all s0we lland & pass aid bel'l 0!w/h0 le a f0r ken e c0mpaan~ease p0st age st.amps inferi0r e/in e may ke in tw/h0 (L) e vein s h0 w/~in g/0 we in g's hal0m et' h/all/h/0m/e/in/g's~ al0e sal0mes-he-ad-e-sat tal light sir-roundings-0-d-u/r/-ess-as-b-light-e-d-f-air-ye-g.-a-in-0h-t-he-at-e-r-2-f-all-0w-e-s"q-u"-are-ly-e- "biblical ly e" x "fictional ly e" -2-s-pare- "sci-fi- 0-w-n lie"-n- t0-0- f0e-st-air-e- "mystarry" re b-lind-ed- in t-im-e- in- s0-w-e-re-el-le-ave-n-t-st-ar-e- in-g's-(h)am-e-in-lan-d-e-vain-s0-w/h-e-ad-ie-d-apparent-ly-e-st-and-ing-si-lent-in-ste-ad-e-re flecti0n e/e dew~ings~t.wise as een ic ell y e


the- m-ark-et- p-l-ace is cell-in-g- uncome-fxf-ort -2- comfor-t-a/bel-ly-e- t0-u-re-ap-e/er- un-tm- c-om-fort-e-&-ably e 0n e 0ne pre miss even igh t

may ke v0l ve l0 ve ins w/aye wit~h~aye l00k lei c0/0k~ie as eye w/hin d's 0m e in advance t0/0 x tw/h0~e thrU e veins 0m 0n eye sUm an day Te 2 relay Te

may ke k lei l0!ve ray te at habit @ 2 day te x p0nent i all y e w/h0 pr0 vis~i0n e b/right en t/e tie~0n e. g. a/in s/igh~t a' (hap)pi ness t.w/0 night in the m0rn in g/0f i re 0n e in g = universe ally e sh00ting fr0/m/e/ t/he pa ware live re vein

fi 0 = i be c0/m e. g.r/0 w/rite


"Phrases" raze-saye-scene f0r-a-m-0r-e-"0f"in-2-i'm-e-t-aught-in-re-v-erse-ll-a-ll-a-l0-t-2-0w-e-e-k-e-n-d-0f-t- a toss up 0ut 0f 0rdair in re verse ran k e/vein s 0ft a w/(h) eye in knit e& w/(h)eigh in db pr0visi0n e in sec0nd glance sayes i am bare in kn0wing 0/rigiNati0n e c(h)0 st e/a d <place, t/0wn, st/and even 0ggin an d>in t/hen 0 pen seen e c0mpleat f0r/m/e act u all y e


phrases razes tooth and stay zes


actually equated to s-lander for the unseen that remains-un seen 0-w-n li.e.-as a value -2- adh0c val-u-e thr-u-in-re all i ty e -vain-ews- eat-w0-e-

s-lander with pr-0-vision t-here-aft-er- 2- be- e- s-lan-d-er-e-in-g-ive-in-ly-e- w the scene aka "seen" ta kin g 0/fxf e mur age-ye-in-g-s-


phrases 00t hand serum wheystezzzs




phrases razes d-ick-ti-0n-air-ye-st-ages-i-even-ly-e-in-the-0-pen-use-e-e-k-in-re-lie-f-e-d-0cuemen-t-hay-zes-in-

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0rder 0.rigin 0.rder an k in c0/mV pany e w/interest en te nough ins te ad e


s 0ak i/n g re ti'n all s0luti0ne 0f alumnigh and ye saw/(h)all te's~ tar t e vein s~ b/r0ad 0ve






ironic as aft golf 0 b/all a was 0riginally e/a men-t-2- be ad- club "fore" no women all0w


ed- in- p-rive-ledge-m-aid-e's-


say-e-hap-pen-in-g-san-e-w-ay-e-tan- p.c.-sub-scribe-ar-e-d-rive-r-e-vain ap-pealing herd t0day e






asp b/0/rn eve in ly e t0/u/re turn 0.ut puts 0m e


aft te/r re X clue sei've ly e writ ten 0n e f0re re all st eel lee sup an d rink up


the raft sense of 17 cent. is 19th cent abundance set (h) over he ad in sigh t re n0un all i've t rite said fre-i-nd-aye.g.ain "una" wear-ap-parent-ly-e-vain- w/h0 ne(h)e art h ly e fall 0 w e


weigh tw/hey e & w/(h)ay e w/ri te


e ye am a ke ye 0n e t/0le ve l 0de n0de w/e b/all 0t int im e vein s0w e in si am ave n tw/h0 w/hand ate. g. rain 0 be c0m es till and~

lode loden ode node siam thail and tie land tile mais e c0r 0n et cult u re hall 0re


am be r elctric resin

ambergrist u be h ave halve it amber et tu the dance w/it

t rough sea trait re e f r/0 g peak s and trem0rs e

.g. i/r/t h and b e(a)rth in Mild e Wild blind s ides i.(n)d. us try e

ray lack of colored to fi re be desire b cuz he has t pin his cene "0"rig i in on me e vain t have e squall state us t am use e

will get disease? blind fold same "odds" as "evens" just be "cause" e-ven- think about before

shociallizing re vie ws un to o dint want to know hre at face value all sow e

s oak residue be calms and be come residuall eave n 0/f f ex static dis charge w/idth

electri ma ke light to c 2 see seas sand ehnance s pi re it allong w it ty e

bi di own ly way divide in 2 is 11from zero

man ger man ger man ge

unthoughfullness became a ware in mess age stable bill i tye m aid

paul ownl ie in le ad by t urning a "phrase as praise unt -2-" time com fort able lie one on one ma y ke 2 so me

bi ke two w heels ans healls ad joing lee pre di s pose d

haul lie if ma-ke her day h0lli if make my day financiall y

meshell playing go od people against go od people -in- tent-ion-alley- re-el-s-owe- she can re -lye-to-teall-war n scene du-ing g's -ame t-hinge 2 b-it-te-tu-g-all-owe-thru-her-dis-cord & di con ten t s h0 all ent

neare g irth is t hear t h o pen ly e ap aair e in and aye on 2 ge t her e

wild mind wid mid s mile s mild e wild e wid es king off aring c ar e to me actually e namely e o/b serve d

your a lie you re lye into -saving time - hinde-n-n as t marr-rye-e-d fast need sot bees army drunk on prupose a lot doesn't see t sowe sot your lack of purpose ffecs bees lo ft en on e x ception e

paul works in the -t-raids 2 as won n own lie n the open aught a ware in ten on o me all ask ewe to me in di vie d lye on e time nigh and aye

men nem mention e one ye as e two e vein ly e in be t w een ins as ea m s

ka st is still c-as -t- en less to me ke live in hope of being lai-d-y-e-

w insurances tempo t de creme 0re

ba ke bi ke

we cometogether to eat and poop in releaf equally 2 a vie w e cc

w/h0 provision t0/0 d0/0 it 2 even unt0/0

scene-a-t-e-r- sate - seen a t e satiety e complete nothing missing as ewe spaek in g reality e bring light w li-ce-e-


square a circle circle a squaare gracefully reap aire and fxf air e

dog knows susan beggar by heart

i certainly didn't poop 2 make you a dupe vain "0"f "t"e "n0-n"-e-

with hale all sow e


deep aire eat here tair t aire

appaws suss

spin se pi plac ye x i now e

gravid with pleasure g a in r in k as too see k in e very bo oddy e grain ere inks re flect in the se ki


this page isn't finished, as of december 3rd, i have had-2-much-2-work-with- in "one" direction, 2 continue in the "other" pre sup pose sit i 0n e // 2 make re dress wear it ear and be have & face ~ none the less, i am ok f0r aye any e b/0d dy e 2 l0/0k at : ta k e p/lace & link 2 the next presuppositi0n e apparent ly e t0 be a Miss Be Have ye w/(h)ave in res0lute a Pre Miss have~ w/ re ad dye made

do you get the sense every e jot and tittle as title it aught 2 be re n0un as kn0wn frontally // paul started his mel-t-d-0wn 0n me, because RyRy, the guy from the gym that is my friend ,and i call him RyRy since the beginning although his name is formally Ryan, it is because RyRy treated me with earnest respect in the work i was obviously putting forth, i managed the jobsite before got to it, i taught ryry the set up and helped him with the chuck, 2 release the blade 0f the tool he was using, as he didn't know that, and it wasn't a bother, i could see he was having a problem before he got there, i showed him and the work continued in flow. the paul caught whiff that ryry respected my merit for show, and paul sought "2" "show" on me-all-s0w-e-


every little detail as it flowed, and how i sussed it out over several years reflection has been detailed at www.preem0.com (that is prime as it were, with the number zero / with a french pronuncitation. specifically if you do not know, preem0 is ore has been my idea for a comic book character, to write my storey e, and is based on the french word prime, that is pronounced 'preem' used as the preem prize of a circular race you see x use e me actually e d0ing, and the gist of the preem prize in a circular bicycle race is the person 2 cross the line first each laps gets a preem prize, and for/m/e it is my self actually e

in a sense the pr0verb/i/all a race sayes e g/races is aid 2 never ending "0" gain "&" ie d-avid- doesn't have the vetted aye 0re night right 2 speak on me and make "light"

i am speaking on "him" 2 illustrate the ill-u-si-on-e- he has demon-s-traite-d- and t-rate-d- displacing every e b/0 d dye ar0und the w0rld -2- be competitive -0r- remove-d- by h-is-t0r-t- 2- use-e-

which is also to say, every thing i plan t, "he" f-eels -he has a t-righ-t-2-car-ry-e-from e-2-be-used-as-with-be-am-used-by-every-body-t-rite-some-body-e- which is -h-all sowe a waye 2 (as it appears "ie"-2 "ei" in ger-m-any-e-) forecast predictabl-ly-e- wile he sits in security 0f apparently giving decency t0 place f0r e f0rum, undispute-d-in-c-dum-kum- fr0m my friend, c0ast 2 c0h0st trans-scene-mute-d-2-0at-an-d-t0t-e- taking prime marry credit -4-x-f0re- having n0ne, 0re desire Act u all eaven T`all at all


right' 0rder is e put y0ur m0/ne'y e w/here m0uth 0/n e the level and kn0 t let me speak f0r/t/e in te.g.r/it~ty e tu`mmy

H20 me m11 v