
Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

a cust-0-ma's p-0-st- 2- be-am-a-ware m-0-h-0-st-ly-e-

thrumming thread frayed ey ends aw allive in gest i 0n e st l c la r e t 00


me-s/hell playing g00d against g00d by making "time" irredeemable 2 reap air e vein thrU in disgrace sue licenses un attainable at any p.r.-ices-

n0 el ent san ta with0~ut t(h)anks in a(i)lum/ni & deye sawaltz inn 2 f0r rest fl0!0/r/e in y0uth ewe t'hay e~day e re d0/0r e d0/r 0/d r0/0d 0ve r/t~i~c/all t'all ent in ti'me 2 ta s/t e vein s~ew/e t0gether e dress t'0w/e f(t')all 0 w/ash 0 w/e in sigh (i) d~e~s as play/ce be f0re ye 'nd be c/all u min e'ye (h0 me in ste ad e) w/ing & 0 pen'ne d b0/dy e w/ind eed~ ness and ree d i.d. e ness hall0w e/in c0re p0re ate d circumstance w/h0rely e speaking's (h)0/n e relevance t0'0 be a k/c a/b/le a/n/d be lay e 0n e ~h~ear~d fr0/m/e m0ir eye n/0.f 3 xyz w/i semen f0ra diall and actyl ly e advance k in g0/d0/me an d bec alum et ye in gest u're may te 2 ever eve l eve l as t in g's 0le t0'0le s0ul ein f0ra naught a vaga-b0n-d-0wn-lie-f0-r-t-e-an-d-com-p-an-ye-

SeASee.g.cc t0 me`vein ly e w/t re en c0unt air an d current e necessity e fxf are ly e

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be calm in is not fun to be seen f0ra re all and have n0 w/ear t0 land & be the sa.m.e g.ain sustain 0.beL able all s0w e tw/is~e~e~pr0w t/rad/e w/hi'm ark in g's uss te m an day Te inn/0f ten 0n e.g. ayin sp~lend i.d. ly e w/h0~ut~a c ar/e all t0 e we. g.0h0 e



sirius ly e are we pr0 f0und en/de weak ly en0ugh en act u all y e w/e -2- ass u me in/c 0re p0re ate at/0 e/w/e-very-b0dy-e- ast hr u m in s0und ew 0re d-u-e-t-2-

the top thrumming storeys of the day-e- at-ta-glance-in-the ka see n0 te 0f flat te









allum an d sawaltz~act (u) all ye





t'0le a/t her e/a ware p air e p/l/ace me ark air e c(d) are vein 0./f aster
















hand & head eve n0ggin bare right in eye high definiti0ne wri~te s0/m sume & Misses 0/n sa.m.e` vein













waltze in place 2 be pre sent at any aerate vein st at/e









allum an d sawaltz~act (u) all y e x's hear t =s she shea shear entropy message entropy seen with in it self as t' w(h)eallth y me n d~

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match the hat/ch in advance w/in diffe r ent' L as t~mer ry e ff ace d eye n' re past may ke/n sas ea m/e~ vein ly e 0n an~ny~e~















head i/n e head c0 a/s t/e 2 c0h0st in g's mat/te rings~ p ray t e dict in g c0st ally e pr0claim e t0/0 & tu`ne

tu` pi ne all s0 we in t0/0



p rate

e dict/ionary

just roll in reflection of interest d ewe d in dustry e b ye buseye ness

roll up is down and across mirred osso ed

fore r/est 2 b i(h)en ough

leather e skin for rest in g inn = i'm at ta glance f0ra p lent y e framework x fretwork sa.m.e in c rook an d cook heart an d head eve noggin 0. gain & 2 era ce 0 pen

pen ne p as ta qui all eye re ad be blue in tint ime t0/0 thrU e vein s00t/h/e~tu`be am/e use

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fall 0ve all0w/(h)all0e in t'i me t0/0 the mer rye fall 0 w/e in/n g's us hall0w in g us te uni verse all y e


i.d. us t rye. g.erm~any e w/(h)at t'ye p lent ye


weft an d heft an d the ft print 0n up


st at/e

tat definition

addn and u eye vein

be c/all u min e'ye= me in e min e'ye sPea king20s

pea kin g

peking china


i.d. us t rye. g.erm~any e w/(h)at t'ye p lent ye b:b/aye be e ti~d~e~ w/(h)inge s~een 0. pen ly e g.(r) ain 0n e the plains keye planare ly e pr0claim in e vein sa.m.e na.m.e in th~ 0 pen e cla use e.g. al i lee


there is a difference between w/h0re and w/h-0-re and there is a pr0blem in the semantics l-e-nt as lant e vain s- 0w-e- in-ti-me- re-past-a-ss-t-e- a-foure-me-as-u-re-at-i-t-

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hie = hurry strive pant origin unknown



& i t ire of c aire rye ring y-0-u- in-s-te-ad-0' m e in re all i ty e

what is she doing for women d ai ring to drive to take the t ire and wheel heal and drive fora re all

walk ten , really walk ten paces instructed behind th a-i-men sch0'0le nt in ti'me s pen t

to be picked up by the law if they s peak and be retained endles sly e

what are you doing are you doing something ad-verse to their per sew ing

in hap pi elegance w here allegiance is law st before it say evein st ar t s

d0me aine s aid aye w/rite apparent a gayins tin sure an/ce pre sents

we need 3 wisemen 0 w/x y z (h)eave n t'act ac c0rding ly e in 0./ft en am 0r e t' 0'le 0 pen ly e w/ lam e t0il et tu t rust marsupial fortune e de-nn-yes

t oil et "lent" in a fabrication of h-it mer can tile t-re-a/s-ires- w-itch t0m-b ea m ea sure w-het with st-0ne -t-

te am ma te maet teem meet m eta : ate : eta de f ences trough fed ly e 0ft


rent in a pleasure 2 be 0ne f0r est 0wn ever bet air end 0ve l0 s/it/ies 0h0pe whash magi c w/ d0 p e

caste par male choir b alt has are

and the hub bum b all ent a dent in cut to the quick where the bone x tends beyond 0 rigin e wh0ke

notes f0re the p/age 2b arse age 0 pen ly e

love n ware scene complet too x 2 ti le ly en the hack tore in the inter um a b us/e two e in "knowonefreedom t prostitute you re you th and braved c ute chute shoe t shoot-y-e-w-e-r-e-thru-e-

each is all the fantasy suit-d 4 fiction to tel a viv and pr-in-t pc c wailing in forest-t- angle g r/0 w air -0- wear -0- ware arrow -e-ll-u-ll-a-by-e-d-

marrow paul makes me angry to my an mar burr ma/rrow in a words as see n inthe open b one to 2 to me w/ sole x soul 0ut let et/00 comfortably a bi de w/fr0n tall vie wing

lee gall u p(0le)rocess diverting funds 2 never become one he n oug/h t0 pre miss and r.e~st 0/re in-eve-re vain

lupine position fl0w er e steppe s t'a ke & re/s(ee)cUe vein an des wing inn f reed 0m e` vein

avesta w-ords- w meshell 4 x complaint don't mean their word apparently but mean their words with me making up e-very - et -hinge- because i intend to be read and be meaning full in re all i tye w-the law -e- m-aid- en me -2- rent their theory for no reason tu be

trick le -d-0wn e the0ry e lee gal i l-ie-n-t- in ste ad e w hen si lents met stone cold eco-no-mics-cut tel fi/sh-eye s0n

doesn't want to be treated like a woman that would be pee-ven-t- w/ cape-a-b-ill-i-ty-e- 2- b-0m-be-h-est- mist-a-ke-& - sir-me'yes-aye-d-(e)d-ick-t-"clear" "ly" "e""w/right"


put an0ther way if ewe p leas e

l-o-ve & war-e- scene complet-e-too -x- 2 gen ti/le gew-gaw-e-needles-sly-ede-0n- si-high-t-e-vain-t-e-in-ste-ad-e-w/-no wings aye act u all y ew/(h)int0/ ti'me in g's uss 2 sup per ing len t' eat ans~ay Tan gent i'm ay ke & ba ke bi ke si mi lar ly e.g.i/b b/0n net' baye bee te atea ke fir e 0n e he m iah~0 t im b ere s0h~re all and e seall eave n teall 0!0!te nth ight all am 0re t m0r t ar end less un ny ein p0 t en t i all augh/t full 00 p 00 le vein an dr ise e inn i ne t'fi Ve va ll i've v0(eye)ce cad ame yin act~i 0n e

all ent 0 w/is ew/h0~le t'im e re flec ti 0n e 0s s0 s 0'le.g. c/0ver t all an d pr0w te alley ea r 0und f0ra re all~0ve can't vacant ly stand on the "need" -2- x- to/o- compete "_"&- ma-ke- h-is-t-ore-ye- scene for "kn0-t-a"being 0/d act yl ly e wit/h 0-a-k-s-h0-ax-e-sh0-alls-tanzas- tarzanell0 heaven-ly-e-s-hell-an-d-in't-i-m-e-in-s-in-g-u-lar-e-fi-re-nd-w/-(h)-ell-0-g-gin-n-aggain-2- pr0-e-v0-ke- w/h0~ut a y0/ke spec i fi c/all ye. g.ran-d-st-and-ing-2-day-t-e-all-t-he-w/-hey!-e-t'-ry-e-t-rue-d-c-up-

-me m.0. ~ tarzanell0! scene s-hi-tt-in-g in my c up an-d-rink-et-hup-an-d-re-t-urn-s-0w-e-st-ink-0-mup-pense-all-ot-

& e X amp le in are vein sec0nd c lea r ing's 0w e n d t hat is ap parent all 0!vver i ver te ver ve in kin d c0un t en ant sigh eye t0'me ti'll and 0w n in righ te and c0mVpany e

h eare stands the "m.o.-del/l- and-ye- le-ad-er- anda-h-ac-t-0re- 2 x t00 gether-e-"

each is awz-all ap paul the fantasy suit-d 4 fiction -e- to tel and print pc c wailing forest t angle g r/0w air 0 wear 0 ware arrow e nnarrow = marrow miss taken ly e vain

e ye am a ke ye 0n e t/0le ve l 0de n0de w/e b/all 0t int im e vein s0w e in si am ave n tw/h0 w/hand ate. g. rain 0 be c0m es till and~

lode loden ode node siam thail and tie land tile mais e c0r 0n et cult u re hall 0re

am be r elctric resin

ambergrist u be h ave halve it amber et tu the dance w/it

t rough sea trait re e f r/0 g peak s and trem0rs e

scene as re -ad vs seen as read 0 pen ly e vein an d

ba ke bi ke

we cometogether to eat and poop in releaf equally 2 a vie w e cc

w/h0 provision t0/0 d0/0 it 2 even unt0/0

scene-a-t-e-r- sate - seen a t e satiety e complete nothing missing as ewe spaek in g reality e bring light w li-ce-e-

square a circle circle a squaare gracefully reap aire and fxf air e

dog knows susan beggar by heart

i certainly didn't poop 2 make you a dupe vain "0"f "t"e "n0-n"-e- c-ompany-e-

with hale all sow e

deep aire eat here tair t aire

appaws suss

spin se pi plac ye x i now e

gravid with pleasure g a in r in k as too see k in e very bo oddy e grain ere inks re flect in the se ki


the san ta w/no "el" after the scud miss ell mug after "save"in-g-s-ail-

the war ped weft even eye c an see c l! the and c/0ver/ing

thread the read thrum minn u et eye fora nigh 0 (without a need ell in knit 2 te all 0ver and well) need ell and thread aye go/d aye te all

per i od perptually is to perpetuall (i)am b i c t(city)0m e pentameter pentagram eater

adjudicated law all ading premise missed mist amiss to net worth without having it (or the me ans w/ear / th) fir.st.


it is dec 21, 2017

i am reacquainting myself with this website, where i left off, the links i didn't put in place, the notes that were sitting outside the frame.

i am pulling the notes inside the frame, enlarging the frame, building the links for flow and follow thru. this is what the pages look like thus far :


an d put 0ut he de b0n air e 0rder 2'0 we na.m.e r/i/t 0m e

i.d. us t rye. g.erm~any e w/(h)at t'ye p lent ye b:b/aye be e ti~d~e~ w/(h)inge s~een 0. pen ly e g.(r) ain 0n e the plains keye planare ly e pr0claim in e vein sa.m.e na.m.e in th~ 0 pen e cla use e.g. al i lea fr0m the traditi0nalls aid (traditionalls et) actually e. g. r00m w00d be am p/h0ra mp aura ve sell e r0se (sell ore cell 0r -d-cell?)

galilee galilea porch chapel gallery italian tiberus to me galleria gallery a room 4 displayng works of art a collection of pictures italian camera = room g.room a horizontal under ground passage esp. in a min/e (all the ti'me) x h ear t h 0m e h0 nn e in g

dont have a r-0-d-

a right 2 be red b re ad be reed burried cur rant sea bare i.d.

dont have a right a c are c air e vein f air e

dont hae a r-0-d-and a rude door e vain of be spec tackle at hand

to0' ad dress tm 00r 0

germ you yew mush have a (c-hi-c-?) reall a choice and you much choose 2s it up stand it up

bertha rebeckah taylor e t0 me act u all y e

monthly miracle = mo.m e t e r n eye w/i~tt~y e~0n e inn'y e

b a ke bi ke b a/0 b0b ee lent in te rest 2 f eel

lac = lake

beel ine b/all eave n t ill

beeline strait between 2 p laces taken instinctively by a bee when returning to the hi v e vs "h i v"

propogated by a man that flew in the air without an apparent care did he know his st art by h ear t ? h?

strait line -2-e-vain-prop-0-gat-e-t-hat-flu-e-

flu flue high fly flew past of fly except the fly that flew past in the s k eye s

flew/(h)ere p as t an(d?) g0 /n e w?s~ fan d ang(le)0

fandangle fandango // nu de in laws for the tang0

one fore one love vein 0./f e i/r/0/n/e~

nef=nap kins hip in ave

germ any is eaten thru pay per view vie w in g s un questi0n ay hay able ly e

right' 0rder is e put~ty 0ur e p/eat m0/ne'y e w/her~e~ ar m0uth 0/n e st'a ware in 0ne t0' level an dbe c/all u min sPeak e as ye t0/0d ay Te/a ma/y ke fir e fl0urish in eye~d a p lent y e vein aim e ness ee c lea r e ly e

+ r0ll x kn0 t let me speak f0r/t/e in te.g.r/it~ty e


on 'addendum' there is a hyperlink in the content that will take you to tanks, and the buttons / gift and x icon on the top right will take you thru 'tanks' 1,2,3,4,5, then to 'addendumdum'...

lack of peripherial vision inclues drive in he-ad-e vain-sowe-sow-an-e- in-an-e-

insurance seen in keep ing w/ peace


if you just use the gift and x icon button / links on the top right, from 'addendum' this will take you directly to 'addendumdum'... and you will skip the 'tanks' segment : you can only access 'tanks' thru the hyperlink content on the actual 'addendum' page

H20 me m11