
i certainly didn't poop 2 make you a dupe vain "0"f "t"e "n0-n"-e- c-ompany-e-

-0-ver-w-rought-ax-is to my life -2-be in it -one- way-e-

as i was in his apt ly he making a scene on me own lie, -&- herefore when he is in my apt ly he does not here me that i am busy i am getting ready for work there are things i need to do before work, gap in the convo, and he still stayes pre-sent-ly-e- not hearing me not relay t in g's us t ain ably e t0/0le an in the n 0 pen seen f0r/m/e


Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

On Nov 30, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com> wrote:


On Nov 30, 2014, at 9:06 AM, tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r- wrote:

Thanks for the cookies, yumm.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: MMM/MMM

Date: December 2, 2014 7:18:15 AM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Would you mind greatly, if I have $100 to cover misc / dog food this month?


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Sure

Date: December 2, 2014 10:27:24 AM EST

To: xubrnt@me.com

Sorry this wasn't sooner, but as I said my phone is down.

I get payed tomorrow morning so first thing Wednesday.\

It's best if you knock on my door or call my other number ///////, because I think I get up earlier than you, okay sweets?

Like I said in the last, you can knock or call anytime.

TTFN t-ray-f-


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Sure

Date: December 2, 2014 1:34:01 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

write 0n~

i work today, so i will be in and out, and plan to see you ™.




From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Date: December 3, 2014 6:33:27 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

the dog shit all over  the carpet


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Again I say I'm sorry

Date: December 3, 2014 6:45:35 PM EST

To: xubrnt@me.com

I just wanted you to know that when I gave you a flower and you would not answer any of my emails after that a big part of what I look forward to every day crashed and burned.

I'm sorry if I see a lot of things we both have in common, I'm sorry that I like your company ,I'm sorry that I scared you, and I'm sorry that I thought it could go further

I wont bother you again.

Yours with love t-ray-f-


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Re:

Date: December 3, 2014 6:50:36 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

We went around the block and he woffen wised twice. I don't know how you cane blame me because he decided to go inside instead of outside.

I did not put a cork in his ass.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Again I say I'm sorry

Date: December 3, 2014 6:51:25 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

you are not seeing the whole picture and therefore you are not seeing me.

i can make my own money if you as with every other fucking man would 2 be fair

i don't have time to give you, when it is being taken away from me

the cop, stopped by to suck on my tit via avesta, has no public interest for me to espy on his own time translate able to a gracious may k

inn in coming

feel free to give me money, i know what to do with it, however i need to be in my own life to accord it

and that includes walking my dog until it shits, so that i do not have to way lay my night as well, with what would have been my free time to tell


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re:

Date: December 3, 2014 6:56:36 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

do not offer to be helpful. i came home. i needed to sit down with me. i needed to tie up loose ends, and you held captive my energy, time and attention. you offered to walk the dog with the purpose of pooping.

you have further penalized my time, energy, and what relaxation and solace i may have intitally accorded my own life to follow.

your romantic thoughts and gestures are totally out of touch with reality.  i am tired of you vexing on me a "relationship" mechanically.

i cannot baby sit you. i have a life, and a dog i need to attend too, and i need to get the job done, and i cant afford a friendly gesture, as you know i am living close to the bone, to set me further behind.


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: again

Date: December 3, 2014 7:41:42 PM EST

To: xubrnt@me.com

Again I want to say, I meant no harm.

I will not bother you again, but it could have been wonderful.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: again

Date: December 3, 2014 8:03:29 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

just shut up.

i am tired of you not seeing me to conveniently con your way into my life.

i tire of you wasting me. please do not be fond of me or what "could" have been,

because you do no rate act u ally e


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: This time I'm not sorry.

Date: December 4, 2014 1:15:39 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

All I asked for was friendship and I didn't know I wasn't worth your time.
This is the last email I'll be sending you.
Have a wonderful lonely life.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: This time I'm not sorry.

Date: December 4, 2014 1:52:23 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

what the fuck, can't you carry your own cross on your own? you were not asking for friendship, you were constantly creating a scene on me, obscenely ie you did all the talking about your rake making vanitye and i was subjugated at every interval to stop my thought in process 2 engage all s0. 

you are vain, your ability to see non peripherially includes the axis squarely in front of you.

i think there is something very bent about you mining information about my height, weight, temperament, age, without ever making any compatible gains even 0f/t.

i cannot help c/able your complaint -2- c-ain-t & unabel.

you have a wonderful fucking life fucking yourself d-ry-e- 

as you have no gonad to plan t pr0fit ably et.

with relief jurisdiction in p.r.ide ye sign ew/0 fin c0mpleat~i 0n even 

tally h0 / with your own h0

ps. there are many women that describe your s-am-e adventful nature 2 not spark

the "i am all the cont-ainer-for-t-u-" and no room for any one to respond, initiated in fact, by & buy

not seeing them in te/grity e in t here 0wn h0me

which brings me to your spying in my apartment

you make me uncomfortable // just because you gave me money that i all ready have made 2 last,

does not mean you have a com-for-t-able right to be in my life, to comment on it, my dog, my anything, 

nor to assume you can help by running it with fact less ass u/mpt~i0ns "2"

no thank "cue" 


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 5:36:56 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

I know that I said my last email was my last, but to let you know your scam to ask for money and then to pick a fight afterwords so you felt free to egnore your debt is a old trick, and if you think I'm the fool to fall for it the  more the fool YOU are.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 6:24:07 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

hey mo-fo- i asked if you would GIVE me 100, and not your shit.

get it! YOUR SHIT IS FOR YOU. OWN LY YOU. You giving me money does not entitle you to shit on my life, etc-- 


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 6:25:02 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

which you shitted on the hole way, talking ownly about your self, and rudely inserting yourself into my life, as a charade.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 6:26:39 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

remember you offered to walk the dog, after you asked me how long it took. and i said until the job was done ie he pooped, and you proceeded to "walk" the dog, without pooping, and blaming me for being upset that you are not your word with me = YOU BLOW HARD.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 6:33:27 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

i will call the police if you contact me again.

you have proven nothing but incessant ill will, with no regard to the hospice for me to keep in my apartment fundamentally, including putting your box of milk bones, positioned in front of my door after i put your other belongings you had "given" me in it that box, too, left in to the side of my door, where you originally placed them for a "piece" offering, to afford you more ill will "lent" with the scope of a rope-a-dope. 

i find your actions priggish, ugly, self centered X incessant denial, that affords no affable opportunity to relate worth while to me, and for you to own lie constantly mitgate your lack of virtue to be scene. Ugly that is how you come off to me. Please take your comfortable ugliness somewhere else, I am not here to keep it for you.


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Re: Its funny

Date: December 15, 2014 6:40:25 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

My soal is clean. Is yours?

--his s0-all-ist-c-lean- as long as h-e- sowes out of c0n-text-0n- me re-lent-less-ly-e-al-t-he-tim-e-pr0w-t- f0-re-x-4-n0 re as 0n e at b-erth-right-2- tap 0ut s0ul e s0le

-- he has no "peripherial" vision and's -eve/r- y c0n-text-2-miss-re-pre-sent-me-t/with-0ar- e- and "kno-t-a" b-oar -e-c-able undefine-d-inn-d- my ti'me 0 pen ly en0ugh

"he" does not seem cape able enought' allow/ e the possibility that i may like my time free complete from his cir-cum-fer-ence-at-last -0re- may be he does recognize it and t-ake-s-it -per-son-ally-e- and there "4" makes me seek another to be scene speaking in my be-half, so that i can be heard sow that i can have peace apparent ly e -alla-round-in-g-s'-o-u-n-d-. this is a titty game-2-m-aim-e-, and the person-a- is "50-something" and way-e-e-e- past acting like an infant -2- may k-a- pass-t- inn-fancy -in- b/as/e -a- "less" e-/-am-0te-tie-0n-e-s-quan-der-l0ng-her-e- in si-de w/ kn0w/ under standing e X p0se d f0r/m/e` vein ly e 0n

isn't this e"X"citing, w hat i get to do on my free time mult-i-p-lie-d- just for being present 2 perceiving al~w/h0~ut re. g./retting' s~0w~e unfocused in your vision "A" ware all-s0w-e-0n-e-

h-is- "0/al-l" is/cene clin-g-ing-ly-e- -2- ste-all-(h)e/ave/n0-w/ease-e-

I promptly called the police station... re luck tan t ly e f0r/m/e in 0 pen ly e in ste ad e

I called the police station, met 0fficer B/rent is 4 told him about my-0-pic-0n-the-4th- and he spoke to "him" in behalf of me, because "he" wouldn't h eare me w/h0le ie w/here i am an d kn0 t eve in c0mpleat ~(s)eaming 0/n e'ye see bee st f0r/m/e 0 pen ly e. I expressed my frustration to 0fficer Brent, that I apparently couldn't be heard w hen speaking to this "man" and thanked him for pitch hitting. He said he told "him" that he is not to contact me again and if he does I will call the cops and have him arrested for harrassing me. :) Pea ce f0r/m/e act u all y e~ Peace for/m/e by not having him be "Abel" to detract from my life in his unscene, nor as premeditated "unseen" st-r/i-fe-0n-me

The fe i/r 0n e'ye is i have plenty of other work to cope with creatively, spin, spun and spoken to get the message du/e/ally a cr0ss ti'me in c0ntinUity e, and his petty, infantile at-ten-ti-0n-e-see-KING- is-t- 2- s-0-w-e- 0bnoxious - ness, it is diluted of any Pre Miss what so ever "X" cept to "entertain" h-is bull shit w/ no use full relevance like a mir-age 0f "U"till-i-ty-e- (that cannot e"x"is"t" on it's -0-w-n- fund a mentally e)

This is very rude to me t hat i am-en-t-2- eX is T for "h-im" to m-ire-my p lans and a ware ness in my best interest 0 pen ly e rej0ice in any season e, t hat he cannot even regard the unique 0pp0rtunity that actually requires my pre sense and equanimity to sit entwined with me, and "choose" to "yap"-an-dilute- into the aperture 0f my 0wn may k in g "verses" treating him like the king-kong infant he "desires" "he" "could" "be" "in" "re-all-i-ty-e-un-a-war-es-" 0f every e b0 ddye -s0we- he could - should - shir-k- t-hat- t0- with comment-airy-e- with no gaps to be speak as well and hear d well ing`0. "H-e" just wants to be fed for no re as on e vain e : t-his = ugli-ness-0w-e-n-


"h-e" thinks treating me lie-t-ly-e- is a f-air p.r.-ice -2- my right wasted from e

I am glad I have secured an 0 pen p0siti0n e f0r his pen-du-l-ass-in-i-ne ban-t-er e tu` sh0ve i'l 0!fxf retted t0 me in equanimitye si/r end er ing's 0h~

f0r my part, i shouldn't have been involved with this pre-ten-t-i-0-us- person from the st-art. forcing w hat w0uld be a convivial conversation int0 p-arts, so he can inter me to some sort of fractious resemblance of h-im being h ear for/m/e, ie h0w he pre sents himself to be, as long as the w/-ind bl0viates unrepentant-ly-e- 0n me, he could call us "friends" use-e- 0re- "unfriendly" if "nee-d-b-e-

again the irony is, i shouldn't have to call the police to speak for me. so you get the gist of being caught up punitive-ly-e- as with unnecessarily e in this w-e-b-. h0wever, he did 0ffer me m0ney, and i am in a better position to accept it than deny it at this "ti-me" he has 0-w-n lie m-aid- f-0-re- himself-2- define for no reason sublime, 0r whine-0n me as within the merit 0f my 0wn Ti'me & c0mpany e

at the time I accepted his money, my 0'ut land ish website has been up and he was apparently aware of it and i gave him the business card, and he dialogued about the lease violations / legal ramifications from the content on the website. i do not know what else i can do when 0ne apparently has eyes -&- fails to use them as pr0 0f t0/0 sea 2.


"his" money is a patch for/m/e to make time actually

yet he thinks he has a right per reason to inflict me with his emotional infancy, to distract

calling the cops is not a premeditated answer to my life

to be heard right x write and write x right 0n sight comprehensively

even to those that lie 0 pen ly for-a-life- that 0-w-n lie e-x-is-t-s to ta-ke-

i am talking about propriety, with my website up, the f0-0l wants to pick a niggard-lie fi-g-ht- 0-e-U-p?

he keeps coming back with the same emotion-ail quali-t-ye-

and will not afford me peace as is my 0 pen right apparent ly

i did ask him for money, as he asked how he could help one night at dinner. he lets me know he has plenty to cover son-e-. s0 i asked if i could have 300, then i realized all i would realistically need is 100, so i asked if i could have it. end of story.

the night he stepped forward to chivalrously appear in my life as capable to walk my dog, and ease my days work before i had dinner with him, which i forgot about ie the conversation for dinner (i cook as well & enjoy my company to te LL)

i was very antagonized with the dip shit client, and walking 6 miles in icy roads, to be mistreated with my desire to be servicable rendered f0rm from lasting function with the most insidious of l0-b-all- unction

t-ray-f- is pester ing me, to pay attention to him use e, i say, i need to wrap this up with the owner of the business as she may get a call from the dip shit and i need to relay his "tactics" of wasting my time to p-l-under-end-and-drive off comfortable-lie-

t-ray-f- is pestering so much as he is just glowing in his self es-scene in front of me. i have real work and worries and pressures, and his scene -t-i-me-in-g-m0-0r-e- is becoming too much for me to be politely contained. "it" is adding a working vexation on top of frustration -and- this problem is now in my apartment, and being polite does not get rid-e-

i am upset i have not been able to work on my real work for 2 days due to appts throughout the day and night, and i am really vexing being separated in ti-me- to follow/ kn0wing pr0w t 0/0 at least in pr0cessing 2 w0uld be hall 0

t-ray-f- comes back from walking the dog, and he prattles on, a bait, a b-ait i am starting to suspect. he says "we can talk about" court and such, and i am tired, exasperated and would like to eat, and i wish he would get to it, the dinner, the pertinent information for why he is apparently imposing himself on my s/p/ac~e

i express to him, my upsetting work, the trek on ice, the need to follow up with the owner, n0w, and of course the current drama he knows a bout w/ Avesta, and i sense he is glowingly b-aiting me with information, that he could talk about directly, rather than preface by saying we could, you know, should, per haps, talk about ...

besides the info about how to suck on the "system" h-ard-er that he wants to relay t0 me a vain, for which i say i am not interested and he acted, very much like he didn't have anything to say, followed by more silence, thank "god" i can honestly say, a t-hun-der bold-t of z00-x- stpped the prattel of his law-st- li-fe- 0n me f0ra m0ment use e

i say, yes i am thankful for the begining convo to have someone to toss ideas about, however i am not interested in learning more about how to suck on the t-i-t- of the system w/ n0 pr0w t, i want to change it. he acts short circuted, and i realize there is not much for me to say

a trend i notice f0rm ally, i go later to his dinners when in vited, because the meal isn't ready at the time he states to arrive and he makes his meals it seem, corresponde later e-van-e- t-0-0- my casual arrival.

i go because i think i should be sociable and w hen w here ye get 0ut side of my head 2 be a g0 0d thing e/in deed ed

the last me-all:

the night he invited me over for dinner, and served me a plate with a lot of roast, for which i said i did not want meat that evening, and he acted law-st as the tH0ught didn't 0ccur t0 him, t hat i might desire something different than what he thought f0r/m/e. I offered that he could have that plate he served for me with all the meat, and he acquiesed, with how to be a host with his overthinking-est, and i said i would be happy with vegetables instead.

0n the way to the vegetable plate and sitting to eat, t-ray-f- wants to talk about his feel-in-g-s? i am exasperated, it is about the flower-a-gain- and the emotional taxation this whole day has become a quagmire of-in-justice-vain "0"f

first of all, whatever "love life" t-ray-f- thinks "we" h ave, is all in his he-ad, as the "main-e-" and 0wn-lie attract-i-on-e-, "And" his resid-u-all emotion-all- self awareness is a forlorn pit if you ask me to top off "i/t"

he is upset about me not responding to the flower he gave me and the "relationship" going "ka-put". As I explained AGAIN, I sent an email, AND there was no response. I suggest the emails he sent to me that I didn't get, he may have sent them to some one else, as the emails I did get, asking if "we could talk" he later said were accidentally sent to me, and that they were meant for "Ann." I suggested he go talk to Ann in ste ad as I can't make horse shit fly out of nothing worth conspire inn

i express my upsetness about not being able to do my work for 2 days, and he says he knows what i need "a hug" and my exasperation has heaved its last sigh, and i look around agitatedly to make sure i haven't left anything before i make my anxious escape w/a g0 0d by e, as i say with an edge of disgust, i do not need a h-ug, and that i am leaving en0ugh


this of course hap pen ed faster in the real life encounter, nonetheless i am trying to feel my way e int0 the A Daye & Dec 3rd seems to be the day that will not stop "giv-e-in-g" f0r/m/e

that i find t-ray-f- t-ripe- thought provoking, seriously e? the best i can offer is an understated nuissance to con-st-an-tit-ly-e-pr0-fer- and i would hope 0fficer Brent made a kindly gesture (in the first place i myT ad) st.and w/in te r est 2 eve in/n &~ be ad~b i.d. st.ring.i/n.g. // be cause if you understand the "direction-e-" you understand there is no w/inner e & the st-ed-dye pat-t-ear is more than a petty distraction, it is a purpose-full distraction t0 Pre Miss w/hat w0uld matter re t here

& consequentially e wanting nothing from t-ray-f- would be the best he could offer me, as he is not inclined 2 kn0w thing respecf fully with the upright ability e 0n his 0wn e' use e. g.0ing f0re w/ar d actyl ly e : n0thing from h-im, w0uld pre serve the valUe in 0rigin all y e a/st.ate d i/n ti'me maid x may ke in~s p.r.i'me

Back l0g emails:


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: all right

Date: September 3, 2014 8:05:27 PM EDT

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-


today, min 0 walked with me to the bank, and it was too busy so we walked to the court house for business. on the way back we lingered at the farmers market, and i spyed the big sunflowers, and wanted one.


imagine that!


min 0 by the way, we have discovered today, really REaLLY likes Frisbee.


he has a great vertical jump and can play by himself, using his nose to flip the thing on the run

like he were a dolphin with a ball in water. he makes up for my lack of frisbee skills.


he romps when he catches it, bounding like a little care free frolicking lamb.


he had a smile the rest of the evening because he played that game today.


thanks for the unanticipated sunshine!




From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Bumper sticker

Date: November 2, 2014 7:25:29 AM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>


I noticed that the bumper sticker I put under one of your magnets in the hall a couple of days ago is still there. Perhaps you didn't see it.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Bumper sticker

Date: November 2, 2014 7:29:16 AM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-


i am aware of it, and i like it t here.


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Re: Bumper sticker

Date: November 2, 2014 7:30:34 AM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>




From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Can we talk?

Date: November 12, 2014 5:28:48 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Re: Can we talk?

Date: November 20, 2014 9:18:30 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>


I said that that email was ment for a girl named Anne Worrey whose name is under yours it my contact list and when I went to tap her name I got yours to. Sorry.


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: Re: Can we talk?

Date: November 21, 2014 12:55:35 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>


I just went over the coraspondense between you and Hollie. The impression I got out of it is praise for solving the problms, but the complaints will be left on you record.
Be sure to have a copy of Holies email to you, because if action was going to be taken, 1 It should have been stated there, and 2 you were praised. So whats the problm?
It just shows how inept their actions are.
Score one for you.


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Can we talk?

Date: November 21, 2014 2:08:54 PM EST

To: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-


i appreciate your reflection and communicating your point of view. 

for me, after 2 + years, to wait then a month + again to hear about removing the false "lease" violations,

doing their work with me-shell, etc, it was like the last pi ece portrayed the fact,

i, et al, am nothing but a panty waste to these "people" that get a rake in my life, etc,

all the time, not caring for the breath airing, and that they can keep repeating their "miss giving -2"


the problem that his been sorely miss took for over looked, is i am not in appreciation of the hell 

doled out as my "opportunity" 2 pick up for them and then be "sufficient-ly" unempowered as w-ail

there wail, where mine is quite nature ally in 0rigin well which i draw upon & dwell 


suffice it to say, if they are in a position to protect and ad domesticity t0/0 visible purview

the should re present it too

and as for the emails available for public access 2 theoretically communicate 

they can start with their representation t here two 


the ruse that i am causing them senseless paper work and clogging their "email" function,

is b-all-s-ee- in the sense that you know with your own way they taxed you, dupe-ish-ly-e-

they are not taking any direct action, use less paper pushers, that act u all y "take", and take more

"room" to relay "T" , now the irony is me-shell complained to them about my 7x7 foot Trapezo furniture,

taking too much space, and it is becoming vastly apparent the pointing finger (w/ no re as on e t0/0 h ear 2)

is taking up "WAY-E" too much space, time, etc, and "equally" correlates me-shell's complaint i.e.

i am taking up to much space in the art room, (as she preys on me as with others in there) and Avesta,

"dialogue-ing" like Put-in at the G20 summit, came in with a fleet of warships, and left without attending:


he fled w here the work was taking place even 0f = enough

i heartily do not respect their approach, and my emails will show the down ward spiral of not caring for -t-hem-

bumptious barnacles.


x0, thanks 4 all way e s


p0st script

t-ray-f- has a "name" in regards to me n0w e vane lay e seen x saying because of h-is- eye -de-sir-e -pas-t-ing-t-0- be known as the p-arts an-d- "pi-eces"-ad vanced in s-tray-f-e- 4- s-h0-re- in -2- n0-0ne -with- relevance- & may ke relevant a Miss Take with a re ray Te 2 t0w e n0w/ any e 0n e 4 wanting 2 be in re all i ty e sum m0/n e ye t0/0. g. et e and c0mp any e sum e re ray T f0re all ink se~X y Z 2 day Te w/cc ause t'd 0wn 0 ah gain an d aye re lay T 0n e c0m m0n g/r0und i/n functi0n e in 0 pen elly just bee cause h ave rights 2 b r/ave thrU 0/n e' apart an d0 t0get h ere 0n pre misses an d be es0 we~in untitye f0r/m/all y e n0/u/g/h 0 we~e.g.0 all et m V p bee te


i made this d0g bed 0ut 0f f0am st0red f0r 0ver a year via "Paul Drinan's re-dud-antsy---w-/-ants-in-h-is-Pr0ject-2-" (to pr0ject-0n-2- me = &- h0l-d- on to my m0ney e s0 he could free-ly-e-master-b-ait-0n-t'-it- 0f-anny-e-0n-e-) and from fabric from my Kaizen launch, which didn't not amount to being noticed for much.

W hat is wrong with people that think that art and crafts and things made thought fully by head & hand h ave "k-n0w" appeal? f0r re all? as w here my head is a/t AND w here it is kn0 T' keel (h)eaven s w/heel x w/heall t0 me` vein industri0usly e. This is a dogged reminder to me of what could be for/m/e 2 bee see n 0 pen ly e w/ pre meditated 0 ease X act in g lee

p ear~0 all~art e vein in un stated pre mis's kn0 t created ay equally e t0' Day Te sti'll~

From this picture on my facebook page, tray-f- "thought" we had so much in common, because he was looking at my metal bed frame in this picture, as he was doing in my apartment, and he made me uncomfortable with the "deets" (aka details) he s0t, -and- similar ly s0t to k-nock-0-ff- fr0ntally e @ any ray-T-e-

T'each meTall fra.m.e are k/n0/t sa.m.e in my e vein with the sa.m.e weight 0 say e 2 carrye 0n e the a Day e

vexed cant get into my life bet air

v is 4 5 hall s0we romans v eve in is fore is 4 5 timing eye in c ace fantasy lawst its face

touch down t mooor o w/ tw/0`0d fall 0 w/in st and

the is le 0f vie w/e

this page isn't finished, as of december 3rd, i have had-2-much-2-work-with- in "one" direction, 2 continue in the "other" pre sup pose sit i 0n e // 2 make re dress wear it ear and be have & face ~ none the less, i am ok f0r aye any e b/0d dy e 2 l0/0k at : ta k e p/lace & link 2 the next presuppositi0n e apparent ly e t0 be a Miss Be Have ye w/(h)ave in res0lute a Pre Miss have~ w/ re ad dye made


paul's-haul-is he can chase women untill falls of the face of the earth without every making 0ne in provision e First- which is andy-doukas-haul-as-well-and it is all so the matri-money-e- that bin-d-s- the "said" relationship of "2" people that have not made x maide 0ne = equall, to be a living ill-u-si0n-e- to pass on their hell, or to live it w-ail, either way,e, there is n0 day e break 2 make 0ne in sum e divide by 2 equal the same 0utcome, and sow uss y, d-avi-d- has simp-ly positioned him "self" -2-sit-on-the-prat-fall-of his t-ail, that he positions with further imp-osition, -2- let- you- t0/0-trip-0n-as-w/-(h)-el-l- 0 - even


ie d-avid does not have the right inherent to actually be congenial as with a beacon in the community of dispensing any form of kindness actually 2 any 0ne,

he is actually guilty of supporting women -2- conf0rm as with confirm (for no reason 2 be) 2 his m-aster-b-ait-in-g- desires / that do no mer it a fair et 0 me

her cue le an msistake 2 get u to see thru t-ray-fe- in p-lace setting

star e light lay ke nigh might ye my te go e


nigh ei g ht

trayf let him stand 4 every one of these matt-hers


mercye mer sea emoceans to me

the 0 rye

be ye x posed the lore d as poke n

be.g.i/n sustainable reception e vein and day e be an 0ggin 0w/light

fe ed ir on in possion fe ed the k ne ad feed the de ed

H20 me m11 v