
Eye in I would add, Haul Lie makes W-hol-i-e-n-

lie-in-g-in-weight-in-g- Makes a lien on anothers p.r. 0/w for A non re as on st-ill-t-0-0- t-a-king-2-e-ven-t-u-all-y-con-spire-d-4-x-f0r-e-hi-re-

* 0le f0r re fer en c e re spec t i've ly e wt 0ut a d/0 u/b/t ea ve n un t0/0


Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n



From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Haul Lie

Date: October 21, 2014 5:51:51 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>

Cc: ***

Just between you and me t0/0 be e

"Hollie" is Haul Lie "2"

fractured fro/m e the st. art

w hen the fr act i 0n e

d0 es kn0 t make ye w h 0le in y0U t0/0


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: Haul Lie

Date: October 21, 2014 6:08:35 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>

Cc: ***

Thank you for being a liar for a living

like Monsanto claiming owner ship of genetically modified people without a soul,

thank you for cre"8"ing a situation

that feeds your need of feeding on other people

indiscriminately to be shorn of apparent able bodied integrity


Thank you for your postured malfeasance providing "house" and "home"

alla round / with n0 inn for any 0ne living s0und


Thank you for putting your demon straighted s*h*i*t* on me "2" b-ear

Thank you for not caring to care 0ne on 0ne in the 0 pen

Thank you for having marketing t-hat s-ay-e-s it is s-0-w


Thank you for "thinking" the people dispossessed of an ear n est living

are not cape able of se ein g thrU the poison in yew and ewe

fund"a"me-an-t-lie (you are creating the situation of being in "ne ed" of

the services you caint act-u-all-y-e- provide to a "t")


(your teet does not have re all e st ate all "sow")


Thank you for the "times" you create to devalue my grace

all re add y e m ade in me. Thanks for earnest-lie devalue in g me

in my own t i'm e in under st and in g


Thanks for thin-kin-g fort t u`

"2" a.b.-us-e- all-on-g- the s a.m.e lie in g / ravity-e-


You are a s"0"w

the s a.m. e yew s0w for others to be ill with your b-ill

Thank you for y.our sent i meants bereft of integrit~y e

0v e very t hinge in re all i ty e


Thanks for discounting lea sure t0 be account able f0rth rightly

Thanks for thin king you can be indiscriminate on e very e 0n e


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Haul Lie

Date: October 21, 2014 6:12:36 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>


Thank you for "knot" live vie in g

living purpose full y

w here g = gravit~y e

w here y = the con ne c t~i 0n e

0f e` very e t hinge

Thank you for being a stupid sow, f0r/m/e



1. she is a "profess-i-on-all"

This didn't bother me as much as others hear, ie her repeated stamping of this "profess i on e" i just went about my business as kindly as i see fit 0 be. Yet, i did accompany her to the grocery store one night, and she spoke of her ancestors from being up north vis a vis ar00st00k c0unt ye, and i said 'potato eaters' re the artist from the 'netherlands,' and she said "Goya" and i didn't exactly cringe, however i am self taught in my art history, and Goya painting executions of his kin by fire light in Spain, is visually about as far as you can get from Van g0ghs country people eaters feet firmly planted on the ground in t able ating (0) h0me0static ally ie he painted people eating the potatoes they f arm ed w/ the merit of their own s0wn (h)and in s0/n, side by side, ne t0/0 be c/0m e in 0. gain an d0/ve~

We proceeded to the chocolate chip aisle for me to decide what brand I would get for the cookies I was making, and she said ghirardelli pronounced hard G, + Z +here+ a+ deli. For/m/e the italian word with a 'g' followed by an 'h' makes a hard 'g' on its own, counter intuitive to the english language, in the same way cia0 is a 'ch' sound, yet if the word has a 'ch' present it is pronounced with a 'k' in chianti, and gi0 vanni is a 'j aye' sound without the 'h' apparent.

In passing, she would tell me of people she slept with floor by floor and that sow and so has the disease you get in the hospital and she is worried now that she is going to get it, and i say, maybe you should have thought of that be for e...

she thinks the illuminati is the sign hip hop artists use in 0rigin. i am not quantifying s aid 0rigin to not be the right of any 0ne, i am qualifying that with historical reference, Me-shell -thinks- the 'illuminati' as a word to -use- and make reference -t0/0- began with hip hop artists -2-. i put my paws over my eyes as i ponder her depth perception~i-.

sen t en ce by sentence i cannot advert the task of a dis as tar e-inherent-

i first met her sociable ly drunk apparent ly on the back stair way of w here we live. from what i can see in a few short interactions, 1. she didn't learn art history in her tutelage at the art school for w/-hitch she professionally professes and she didn't pay for it even / i pre sume her d-add-y-e- d-i.d. as with her re-ad c-ar -2- g0 (k)n0w here pr0 f0und// w-hitch s-he uses none-thel-less-2-drown-people-0-u-t-w/ an entitlement she professes without a (rudder-oar-) d0ubt "x" any-one-she-can-net-and-s0-on-2-you-a?-round-ly-e-una-war-e-n-t-

she talks voluminously about the drugs drinking and partying of her indiscriminate youth to learn the -t-ruth, which to me is w hat she learned at the -university- ie Me-shell quantifies her "known" experience of "art" and being an "a/rt is t" as part-y-ing drin-kin-g d-rugs and-0 w-0-w/ very lo-0-se boundaries, and a pen-chant for being me-an "w/" kn0w basis in re all i ty e.

the judge nudge : i did produce evidence of Me-shells drinking and partying ten-dancies to suggest 0 pen ly that part of her pr0blem is t with self management' use e. The judge retorted quickly that I was not qualified to make this assumption, along with the f-act that w-e didn't have all the "time" in the w0rld... blah b-lah b-law. The matter of f/act I would like to solidly address is 1. the judge makes "time" competitive -in-stance - & - s0w-0n-e- with n0 b/0 d/dy e in Kn~ i/t with e reference 2 be es ee n a.m.0ng the see k in g.

<ir 0n i c all y e / as/say e bee keep er / t here is n0 'king bee' in re all i ty e nature all y e see k ing 2~0's peak 0'f act u all y e>

F0r/m/e, and quite f/act u ally e, I do in f/act make the time to take it relayT~i0n ally e. The judge overtly blurted I was not qualified with my suggestive assessment that Me-shell was suffering the people around her with her poor choices for self main ten ance/ants, at the very least affecting her disturbing unpredicatable psychology-e-t-i- m-aid up miss-affect-ed-l-ie-

I would like to s0undly rebut a ware in the time I may Ke ye f air e X f are t hat I T ay'Ke this assessment from the position of my 0wn (un re n0un) me/r it. I do have a degree in psychology, and while I did not pursue it "profession-ally-e-" I did apply it quite successfully in the 0utcome of my success as an athlete: a 4 x All American in 3 sports, 0lympic Tri alls Q~u/ally e fi/re, ran the European track circuit, Taiwan national champion and record setter, member of the 4 x 800 meter relay that broke the world record, paid rabbit as a known and unknown pace setter valued at $500 a 60 second lap. pre c/is/e ly i' my T ad/0n e the m 0ne y E vein s0w i am.

Fr0/m/e this p0siti0n e ye we see I h ave parallaX e` t0/0 be t/he ti'me ye saye X acT ly e. The f/act 0f my success is I didn't vie w an~E 0'n e=as my c0mpetiti0n e / t-0-w-n lie. If any~0/ne c0uld be at me s0und ly e, t hen t hey c0uld TD t'each me=ve in s h0 w/ me w hat c0uld be tw0 win df all 0 thrU trust int0 merit in/0f : this is the pre sent clause t0/b e/a ware in y0ur e self act u all ye in nature f0r/m/ e TM an u fact 0/r in g fr0/m e TM a pre sent (h)e all th e`~ And make n0 m.istake, all this c-laws "din" 0f distraction for no re as on e b/right x w/rite, surfeiting unrecognizable for w-hat it -i/s- IS de/tract/~ing from quality of life for e very e b/0 d:dye t0/0 Live in pre sent ly in ti'me' ve in an d/0 A gain g0ing f0r e warD 0' LayT w/h0~ut he si`/t ate at' any a pre sent~rait x r/ate t'each 0 eve in re s0h~ing l0!w! e/i/n e w/ind0h~in~d0 we e n

*"stint" by e the way e, has n0 kn0wn 0rigin act u all y e i/n f/ace type w/it2ty eddy e as LayT even t/u`ni verse all y eye in n0. ti'me

Since I know what it takes to me may k time 0n the line in my self =even p.r.i'me= as my desire t0xf/0ur e c/as/t 0/0 e X act it = pre sent ly e/as pre sent ed act~yl:ly, al0ne & all 0ne at he sa.m.e ti'me in sat is fact i 0n e'ar(n)ing s aid interest as(a) P/ lace 2 speaketh alternating current seen in master full directi0n all aye, I underst.and it requires facing f0r e war D act~yl a ware 0n ly e sPea kin g0/n e' T0/0' sur~pass and:be a c0n st.ant 0' st.ate a'hap pi~ye ness @ eve:R: L as T in st.ate ye 2 dayT ye ye n0w i'll i a.m.ust relayT a k/new in g race ye



0le is 0il in 0rigin t0/0 like mixing watt air and 0il by & buy walking 0n e the em0ti0ns of t 0/0 t he/r s 2 add valUe.

In me emails to Haul Lie "etc" t-hey k-now t-his, re t hat i th ink this w aye person ally e _And- Haul Lie under-h-and-ead-ly "adds" to/me to make me her bitc-h-0le- of for-t-in-g "you" all "sow" as s-he h-as s-own-e-vain-n-0w-

All fr0/m/e a re spec t able position in s0 c i/t~i y e

"apparent-ly" as with 0-pen-ly sustain-able s-U-m- as t he Scene to believe

Enabling miss-take in the court system for me to de fi* ne, and enabling her "self" the s "a.m." e , -just-with-m.o.-re-m-0ne-y-e For x 4 n0 re as 0n e

*Fi t0/me 0n its 0wn (h)eave n me ans Fi de is m*

*M is me in mine in/n t0/0. (Check your German f0r c0 m p lee t 0n der st and in g

I am pr0 life/fi c all y e saying N0 to being a bitch to Haul Lies thrU.


at this ti'me it is fair 2 say and re/st/ate ye do not consider haul-lie to have real estate in her t-i-t no matter the si(-e-)ze of -i/t- 2 -re- st-0-re- &- 0-w-n lie- fall-0-w/-e-


Fi de x Day e is m de pen d z on faith at i'm e t0/0 re st 0re ve in thr U in the unseen similar ly in the 0 pen

ie you or "you" c an own ly or lie g'iv e -o-r- cobble a lie on "2" the "on e" pre vie 0 u/s ly _0-r pre-vie-0-u-sly-e- in-st-e-ad-

I am h0ly against be m-ad-e-t0-u/r-an-d-feel-b-ad-for-"x"-4- Haul Lies miss-ad-vent-u/re-"2"-e-vain-the Scene st-e-all-in-g- 0f the L as T of her s-0le "x" se-am-in-g Soul

He Ads uP: First is Last in/n soul by sole and feat by feet all s0w, plain by plane a/re &

Right by writing with relativity is in vie t in g s 0m e wh0le sUm Lea the s a.m. e van e

T he unduplicitious f act is you get w hat you in vest, and you/r in ten ti 0n e c an be seen from the Scene app re c i able e


/0n e the m 0ne y e ve in (h)i can kn0 t highD in my c0nsci0us ness even f0re x 4 re all ad dress

Fr0/me this p0siti0n e ye we see I h ave parallaX e facing foreward all the time

t0/0 vie w a v-e- b-lacking-0n-per-pose-t-m-ake-2-: because g0ing f0r the g0 all is 0wn ly in 0ne directi0n e.

t0/0 define in time 0n the line 0ve ran d/0 ver an in the 0 pe

yew must be essential to be s0w 0n e wh0le


dig deep within and not be without

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no king (ye) bee for all your sear c h in g never-the-less-in-re-flect-i-on-e- in- 0- evidence f0re all as sp0ken ste all ent in be t we/en 0. f ten i/s be sp0ken d:begin 0m.end/0 g0d/0 gain an D w/ith Leveity 3 w/ p0 ten ti all xyz @ triangle a/b0und c0mf0rt e/a cup puc ab'le t0 me

H20 me m11 v b all S/y*system fi ne ScreenShot20141031at13039PM