
Haul Lies Prague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

Tenant A B C face t 0/0 e ve in ewe g0 : fir w hat is a h ear d ell t0 me in re all i ty es s0 fin e ndlessly 'till eye f0r an i gh all0w ed ew sea f0 am e t0/wyn seen f0r w hat it is e/a










Avesta, it is mean on "porpoise" for no reason to just be e vein lea s0 me, to have another "move" "on" in/n "all" "se-as-0n-e-"among y-e-.u-sin-g the L-and-as-b-light-in-the-0-pen-an-d-inn-0-f-ee-ass-u/re-as-write-a-gain- k n0w t hinge t well by & buy in d well i/nn (g) functi0n~e as ee k i/n g truth 2 0 le a wayT 0n fi re h0 T

ave-r-age / diss placed is mean in my b/0 0/k : this is a form of m.o.-d-est harrassment at your-e- h-and-0-f-f-in never ending d-u-m-b- with pre?sense?as-sent? a pre sent? t0 -0w-e-0-

f0ra w hat is the c0 (h0) st 0/0 h ear e is me r e ly 2 be re ave all-ent-he-0-pen-an-d- w/ k n0 w e re all @ stake d ness 2 pr0s e pair separateness ee f air X f are alla r0und b right & w/rite in re p as t

man-age-men-t has a code book for tenants to follow and they refere to re reference yet they have no personal pre sent sense and this produces a large gap for their poop loop to cause repeated impasse for their g0 0d tenants upright fora cause of just being // p0re t0/U2 re p0r T en 0ugh 0 gain in gnu

it is rather audacious for t-hem to h-old 0ne account en able w-hen t-hey are "kno-t" present nor care to "=" accept be r0t ten w here t-hey c-ain-t b c-aught in the unseen f0r n0 eL 2 pass 0ff/ t

-&- will use the "law" t-hey advocate you use, if you need 2 (?) against you, if t-hey don't like what you have to say about t-hi/re largesse to amass a scenic place to poop on you relentless-ly-2-as-k-n0-t-

the b-lack fe-e- i/r 0/n y/e is number 0ne, using a law-e-yer is (e-e-) mirr0r-ly vain-all "x" bane-all "0"rganizat-i-0n-e- "tw0" 0ne deceive Y0u, as the "law" in this case is-in-vest-ed against ruth, and any w 0m e an truth, which is to say the use of the "law" this way Does In Fact as myself to address this with reason 2 pursue, discriminate against everybody, & every c0! l0! r! 0f grace & gravity races, per-pet-u-all-y-e-

& number 0ne, this p lace supposed ly is f0r artist t0 emb/race the i/r pur vie w, and w hat is happening via c-har-l0t-x2-t- is my art as my self in the very b0dy is h0 me t0/0 me, is being disregarded in the "0" pen as "nonsense" to s-pare c-har-l0t- as ... "k-n0-t" f-act w/ me as reference eve in f0r t m, f0r route tomorrow as a tradem/ark 2 x t0/0 advance, it is being distracted with her opportunistic narcissism, using the DSM diagnostic statisticall manuall, used in psychology with reference "law.st" is min us empathy f0r the e X is T ance of another pers 0/ns em0tion all re all i ty e. it is the 0?pen? den i all 0f i/t act-u-all-y-e-t-ort-&-torq-u-ed by d-aphid's-vani-ty-e-in-ste-ad-a-lot-t-0-e-m-per-0/r-0/n- in a con-tri-v-an-ce-ce f-ash-i-0n-e- if you die fast enough, it se ams to st. and the t est 0' ti'me, w/ no re as on to c are 2 c air, with0 u/t m e` vein 0w 0m (aye n) b c0mp lea t

let 's talk about tact : t act, tact means 2 things, to regard with personal relatedness in conversation & it is a sailing term to tact int0 the w in d, as a means to be calm without wind apparent ly, s0 you can keep moving in your ship, as it were, even if their is not communicati0n e t0/0 s ee.

essentially, i am being discriminated against for thinking in place, with n0 0ne maid counter factual ly 2 be diss missed, s0w c-har-lot-t- wont apparently lie on her 0wn in the "0" pen s"0"w. and, this is a place for artist's, to repriman-d- w/ counter-fit- act-i-on- i th ink sense i b ly e.

at this point, the own ly personal service you get from Avesta is to person-all-y-e- diss miss you in re all i ty e / for t-here "living" -e-t-0-ne-t-2-st-ill a-roun

sense less "ly" re pea "t" ing-i/t-self- w/out c0mp ass i 0n e act u all y e t0/0 th ill & fill in fun c/t~i 0n eye

H20 me m11 v m20