
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

and t-his -is- taking p-lace malfeasant-ly t0 -d-at-e -r-ap-e-in-st-e-ad-d-y-e-s-t-at-e-  


and 0f c 0ur se it is n0t fun ne 


ironically now t-hey get to feel the burden put t0 me t0/0 make w ell ? si` lenT ly t0 te all?

i ask full well k n0 w in g e the p0sit i0n i h ave L and g ran t ed t0/0 t0me in ti me t0/0 tell e X act ly e as well.


as you c an see yet t0 sea emotionally e 

with "one" malfeasant L-and g-rant -on-e- me Haul Lie c-an c0n-tin-u-e- to right x write apparent ly in full sight on site in sit u may e be e 


and with "one" L and grant in s 0m e as u/re sUm e ye c an right X write in/n 0f t en, with the same out c0 m e g0 in g f0r w ar d/0 (e) in g k n0w ing lee ye h ave maid in ne ar e in me et c 2 key p e


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Date: October 26, 2014 9:20:56 AM EDT

To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>


it is my con ten ti on e t hat you Avesta h ave built this in re all i ty e apparent ly

and t hat you re pre sent it act u all y e.


forcing people out of your h0-st-age situation by the own ly choice they h ave t0/0 t ake is move away is not ac cep t able t0 me, as you h ave subjugate-d- the L-and use to be useless-in re all i ty e vain.


neither is w-r/i-t-in-g-0-n-e- me // using lee-gall advisor"i.e.'s" to rest-0re-in-g-

for n0 b/0 dy e in re all i ty e,


i won't saye that i am h ear as a last re s0/rt, i am here t0/0 re p0r(e) t

and lee-gall-i-t-ies- as any body c an see 0 pen ly are to distort "you" from being See n up0n re ad d in g 0 pen ly e


the lee-gall-i-tie-ease- to apparent ly not make public use e, is to keep y-o/u-r-e- failure r-ate from miss understanding Uni verse all y e speak in g, from being seen vs being-a-p-art-0- scene -in-the-m-ay-e-king-


i obviously question your towering scene, and your note-i-0n-e- that i s-ho-uld h0-st you-re 0 pen lack of integrity -or- move on si lent ly (as y-0-u- are me-an-t-0 be perceived as pro vision air y e t0 me) -and- to g ive me free choice to g0 0n e app-re-c-i-able-lie-?


another thing e that is not nice here, that i think any one c an st art t0 see is the d-e-press-i-on-e- that you "re" organ-i-sate-i0n-e- re-flects-on e-very-bo-d-ie- pre sume able ly e, is when your employees come down on residence for not h-up-t00-ing -2- your "presents"


t heir is a lot of false posturing (and pay per work for no re as on as net worth as w00d would kn0 t shirk) that i can di l ate wi'de in t i'm e


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: d-aphid

Date: October 26, 2014 10:00:06 AM EDT

To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>


t0 me d-aphid eats 0n e t/he re verse use e

as w hat is a r is e

p ear 0~ r/0 s e i/n r/i plan t


he wo-od destroy for-a-to-k-e-


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: les s0n

Date: October 26, 2014 3:14:09 PM EDT

To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>

Cc: ***

the t hinge t hat makes me ang ry e is,

going to c "our" t is not my incline nation 

as i find "court" of "law" to be exasperating 


and the things me-s/hell w as doing seemed to be petty 

as not to me r i/t. it is only when she called the police on me

as she has done to sow e many h ear e, that i went to the police

myself, and had a long dia log u/e in right 0 route in g.



for a t-o-k-e-yet-i-b-un-

science fic-t-i-on-e-vain-of-

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