
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Re: case dismissed

Date: October 21, 2014 5:40:16 PM EDT

To: Hollie Sprague <hsprague@avestahousing.org>, Charlotte Simpson <CSimpson@avestahousing.org>, Krissie Bodkin-Rubino <KBodkin-Rubino@avestahousing.org>, "gpayne@avestahousing.org" <gpayne@avestahousing.org>, Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>, Andrew Doukas <ajdoukas@gmail.com>, eboucher@avestahousing.org, abragg@avestahousing.org, sshah@avestahousing.org, kalbee@avestahousing.org, news@portlanddailysun.me, kambler@avestahousing.org, sparker@avestahousing.org, mpeters@avestahousing.org, editor@thebollard.com, bmore@avestahousing.org, mwoerter@avestahousing.org, dtotman@avestahousing.org, sshayne@avestahousing.org, mreitan@avestahousing.org, rredin@avestahousing.org, breardon@avestahousing.org, jmorcillo@avestahousing.org, dmckenna@avestahousing.org, fmathews@avestahousing.org, mlook@avestahousing.org, kleavitt@avestahousing.org, jhoward@avestahousing.org, trothstein@avestahousing.org, mdaley@avestahousing.org, dwing@avestahousing.org, aduncanson@avestahousing.org, Jacob Bornstein <JBornstein@avestahousing.org>, kfarrar@avestahousing.org, dstolt@avestahousing.org, ndigeronimo@avestahousing.org, sstrode@avestahousing.org, sforgione@avestahousing.org, aderaspe@avestahousing.org, dburnham@avestahousing.org, mbarrington@avestahousing.org, kweir@avestahousing.org, mwalz@avestahousing.org, pvalcourt@avestahousing.org, svail@avestahousing.org, murgiles@avestahousing.org, bsoloway@avestahousing.org, cpoulin@avestahousing.org, losberg@avestahousing.org, kmunro@avestahousing.org, kmoon@avestahousing.org, rminer@avestahousing.org, emedley@avestahousing.org, amatthews@avestahousing.org, mmarshall@avestahousing.org, alittlefield@avestahousing.org, dledoux@avestahousing.org, ekosnow@avestahousing.org, nkjeldgaard@avestahousing.org, jhowes@avestahousing.org, rhodgdon@avestahousing.org, theynen@avestahousing.org, phenrikson@avestahousing.org, pgross@avestahousing.org, jgrant@avestahousing.org, hgilbert@avestahousing.org, bgeorges@avestahousing.org, rfogg@avestahousing.org, rfitzgerald@avestahousing.org, sestes@avestahousing.org, ddemmons@avestahousing.org, tdame@avestahousing.org, nchamberlain@avestahousing.org, pcarson@avestahousing.org, jcabana@avestahousing.org, arusso@avestahousing.org, pboucher@avestahousing.org, jberggren@avestahousing.org, gberger@avestahousing.org, ebeeton@avestahousing.org, hbeaulieu@avestahousing.org, rrhoades@sunjournal.com, mmogensen@sunjournal.com, info@portlandarts.org, rrouthier@pressherald.com, B Melcher <tech@zeem.bugroop.com>, bkeyes@mainetoday.com, eparkhurst@forecaster.net, thewestendnews@yahoo.com, mark@markwhiteinc.com, wmpgscenereport@gmail.com, Dominic Printing <printeing@the.aremfactorye.com>, info@portecity.bikes.com, submit@phx.com, jinglis@phx.com, ad@kmgstaff.com, david@portlanddailysun.me, newsdirector@wcsh6.com, C CCC <kaaalclootteee3@yahoo.com>, sbryan@mainetoday.com, callen@salt.edu, go@pressherald.com, "jobanigh.333@gmail.com" <jobanigh.333@gmail.com> 0ver

Cc: A@hotmail.com>, B@gmail.com>, C@me.com>, D@hughes.net, E@hotmail.com>



You should check your understanding with all the emails appointed to your lawyer via the largesse demonstrated by Charlotte to enable the harrassment by Me-shell on Tenant A*, Tenant B*, Tenant C*, Tenant D*, Tenant E* and myself for over 2 years.

I am ashamed of you Hollie, that you are giving birth to a human without earning the right as reason plaintatively 2. By making others do your dirty work for you, to secure an apparently shameless living, deprecating on me for one 0-pen-ly reduced in ear nest value s 0m e. I am ashamed at your thoughtless perfunctory. I am ashamed at your manicured manner that does not add value from night to address Day, nor the stated mission of the company you work for. I am ashamed that you willingly and consistently harbor ill will for those that are not as entitled as you to pass on your polished largesse (for no reason as yet "be" "cause" you-can-get-away-with-it-).

I am embarrassed that you regard your self an Upright Profession all / of integrity.  That you postulate this on people that you "serve" / obsequiously.

You are earning a living on me, unjustly, -and- namely.

In that you, personally, waste my time from me, to be lesser than integrity for just being on my own apparently, I will earn my living on you commensurately. 

You are earning a dishonest living, and you are taking advantage of people that you apparently serve. You are deprecating my and their value with your malfeasance. Personally I am not ok with this. I am not ok with the "recycle" bins you advocate in the waste management area: You have no regard for earnest human relations with follow thru EVEN UN T0/0 / zero harm do ne.

Thank you for nothing, if only I could be so hopeful. You take by showing up as a minus in reall legitimacy.

Thanks for squatting on the little people that deall honestly with one another, or endeavor to presage t hat buy & by a pay check.

P.S. You are such a liar, as I was emailing you and cc-ing Charlotte and Krissie about WHY I was not going into the art room, as I was preyed upon by the person I now have a protect harrassment order against, not knowing, I should be getting one against you, too, if your good appearances didn't apparently divide you from your insolence you cast on another to despise in time m-aid b-lined.

The Police know you enable maligned character, so don't think you can send me a much belated "civil" note, after 2 requests for a reply, and nearly a month later. O- Thanks for the "excellence" in "human relations." I am glad my sequestered silence can support your souless indigency, for an ungracious fee.

Dealing with you is like a bad malady. 

Considering the complaints and emails from tenants complaining about this person that I subpoenaed for my court case, I feel you are awfully daring to pin a largesse on me to rectify this known problem. You provided the materials, and yet, you "pen" a colloquial mis-step to be administered to/me ? be cause it is convenient "t0/0" your, a-hem- "living." 

If you believe in/n Christ, you k-ill i/t in e-very-e man 0 pen lie. (P.S. No Thanks!)

Please remove me from any notary from your h-and, I don't want to be reminded of your stinking largesse, for the artifice of seemingly un-vice-like living, diss pen se d on another. You rob people of t here dignity, purse-on-ally- 

Angela Cook


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Haul Lie

Date: October 21, 2014 5:49:51 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>

Cc: ***

Just between you and me t0/0

Hollie" is Haul Lie "2"

fractured fro/m e the st. art

w hen the fr act i 0n e

d0 es kn0 t make ye w h 0le

d/avi-d- is- g0- lie-ath-ie-ven-s0w-e- no b0dy k n0w n

to/o del/ls *i K n0 Well

*eye for an i

g0d made the w0rld in a weak w/po-ten-ti-all-be-a-war-e-w/ het/her permitting point_vie-w-in-g-

n0ah's-hark w/ a m-ail (h)ear-t

L0! Stark!

The "law.st" Arc & the c0ven-ant-a-gree-d-

the 10 tri-bes 0f is ra el 0v e v0le ute 2 w/in re cept~i 0n e tm 0/n e y e s

trans p0se in be a you t~ye rich i/r e in g 0/n level in e t all k in s0/n fi ne

jac0bs c0re nee l ad der ain Tit s0w

hand 0f/f~ d 0n key kick theatric's 0wry e inc0ming

my e cup runeth 0ver e X acT ly in ste ad:b re ad

seek well : Ad a.m. & Eve

Ad a.m.e if/fi c an't find anny

h in t : in ste ad:b lush t'e aLL and 0 range t re ad as~ hues 0ft' g0 all 0b serve d: T here is kn0w h arm in sharing the value of a zer0 eve in re flect~i 0n e: Zer0 divided by itself = st.i'll 0! eave n~


the art 0f inn-u-end-0-

"I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn't have to answer to innuendos. "


f0r/m/e ye see a ten ant with n0 pers0n all st0rey e as s0me 0ne t hat c an be s-t-amp-ed- re-lent-less-ly-e- as not eX is T in g inn any c0ntributive measure by "know-e-body-e-"

it is like the news b-lip of a "man" in africa that has aids, and the way he sought to cure it is by having sex with a virgin girl, and he said, quote, about his actions to "he-all" himself, that he "felt pity for her." that's it, a q-u-ip of no kn0wn ad dress seen in integrity ie for what it is (not) worth act-u-all-y-e-. He didn't care that he was potentially giving her aids as her's -2- w ear e -&- with no means to address it ever e in ear n est. "he" views the woman in complete 0 pen solitude from any vie able challenge, to be a whole hole to insert his pen-is-in-t-0-"0"wn-e- 4! even the aire w/aves to be h0l-d-

"he" feels like a "man" because he goes about his busy-ness-un-challenge-d- w/ a continuity (t-here-f0r-e-x-4- he can "count"-"on" -2- con-t-r0ll- *eaven-s-"0"-w-e-) *h"="e if "ne-e-d-b-e-"


The Judge : It is ti'me to get s0mething 0'ff my ch.est. When I went to c our t as the Plain t iff +, I subpoenaed Krissie as an Avesta representative to be present. I did not subpoena C-har-lot-t- as I know her bi/as to not be pre sent, am0ng me particular ly, as she has 0 pen ly denied me a f0rum to be h ear d with inert c0n-tin-u-ty-e-. I will let her actions speak for her self, ie, when she has energy to apparent ly act swift ly, it is to st-amp on me that my net worth of contribution to think to be pre sent act u ally & e vane ly e s0w is e/e my h~0 pen, is "non sense" -and- subject to litigation, for public ly share in g, eX acT ly e w/here she has refused me to be pre sent 0 pen ly e t0/0 Day T all a l0ng e t0/0 may T with eave n (0) hi re in g0/n & s0/n s0/m e t0/0.

In a way s-he is seductively holding me account-en-able, for her defunction eX ist T ing as my right of merit in me, o-w-n lie, she is wearing my valUe as pr0 vie der, as her pr0 vis i 0n e = "2" not see -&- t-here f0r-e- to not be scene for act-u-all-y-e- lacking in integrity e.

bill cosby, the mounting news of his, using his good as scene value, telling every woman he has given the -r-u/b- to not speak of it, to keep his me-r-it-in-is0lated-in-ter-rest- t-hen justifies his words to not be approached with innuendo, that no one can see vane ly. I am saying this is a sly way to con-duct bus-i-ness from ye night -0- day-e- break as his b-re-ad to may K and be scene as k in d ly e benefact0r ing.

W hat is Scene, is not taking p Lace non discriminately, it is taking place very discriminately from w hat sh0uld be seen as the value inherent in e very e b/0 d~dy~e~ going f0r e war d/0 pen ly e w/sustain ability e.re dee m in g.

It was difficult to cross examine a liar, as I relayTed to the judge in court. Me-shell denied everything evane a video of her, saying "t hats not me!"

w here to st.art? 0 gain, i digress her -e-gress with reflections on our relayTed ness. Me-shell's conversations, limited as they be with me, are enligh/tening with each sen-t-en-c-e- i've had with her 0 pen ly e seen as s0w



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