
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@mac.com>

Date: October 23, 2014 1:59:43 PM EDT

To: Jacob Bornstein <JBornstein@avestahousing.org>

Cc: ***

Haul Lie to act this w-ay-e- to me

inn for/m/e t hat s-he is "self" m-aid

to an "indiscriminate" degree

like egress without a vie w

t0/0 even thrU regarding another hUe


S-he is m-aid-en-2-


T here is no reason she should discount me "sow-civily"

except she has "2"


The fact is I haven't earned my m one y e as m-one-y-e-

and you at Avesta via Haul Lie and David Chamber m-aid

are using me m 0ne y e against me in the 0 pen


Haul Lie is specifically a Liear

Lie ear be t-old- as t-oll-e


It is st. i'll my con ten ti on e

that she didn't care to care in the begining

yet she claims the container of provision

of e very t hinge ?


T hat would be NEWS to me ! ------------------------------------------------------

From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@mac.com>

Date: October 23, 2014 2:09:11 PM EDT

To: Jeffrey Pope <explorer6884@hotmail.com>

Cc: ***

Per haps ue ne ed a re fresh ar e


You are using words without re pre sent at i 0n.


I for one would appreciate it if you re pre sent ed your w0rd in the 0 pen.

T hat you re c0g nized the skills for f0ll0w thrU

and not just "S" (Scene) -kills 


this is fora re all 


The s-pace you occupy for no re as on e t0/0 d ate 

on the competive market place

is in ste ad 0 w hat w00d as w0uld be e 



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