
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

rom: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Fwd: Avesta Housing & Angela Cook //

Date: October 23, 2014 12:49:12 PM EDT

To: Hollie Sprague <hsprague@avestahousing.org>

Cc: ***

Addn, this is not ok even pr0w t


the domain name has been purchased, the evidence as it was firstly written is in process.


You are taxing me vainly add-it-i-on-ally- own-lie to be 0b served, for no re as on alla round


Law is the purdah of punishment -d-fine-d-

Law is the purdah of punishment for the desire of life as love in the 0 pen an d, "you" are not stopping me from X pressing your adulterated ways to "ho" an adulterous "live-lie-in/n- a-gain- 


Making m-one-y-e for nobody st and in g for their right to be whole e


Angela Cook


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: Fwd: Avesta Housing & Angela Cook //

Date: October 23, 2014 12:57:07 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>


Ben how do weigh on this all-a-round?


First lets 0 pen ly define the self me an age me an t 0f

L 0ve re the right angle of L is L 0ve t0/me an d

L aw e i snot hat is diss pen s-ed- from "David Chamberlain's" Off-vice awl-t-he-t-i-me- 

w here the quest i on e 

is not allo w ed to be answer ed re ad eva ne


I th ink your shame full sham is re add y t0 be p.r. i'm e in my life fi e cue u all y e

You can't stop me from X press my right as re as 0n e t0/0 be in g (gravit~i ye ) as MATTER 0F FACT

Donut t-ink I can't see your 0 pen lack of integrity as with any body else act u all y e


rom: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: h i'd e & see k in g

Date: October 23, 2014 12:59:12 PM EDT

To: Ben Walter <bwalter@cwsarch.com>

Cc: ***

Let me make you a ware

You are not a ware right n0w act u all y e


You are a war-e-


a war waiting to hap pen to s 0m e 0n e


you are hiding a shame full sham in pre ten d in g all s0w


I will make light on e we f0r e 0thers t0 share


Thanks t0 me


From: Tenant B*

Subject: RE:

Date: October 22, 2014 9:03:29 PM EDT

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@mac.com>


Hello Angela,

I hesitate to send this email but I felt I needed to say this.

I understand that you are experiencing some horrible challenges with Avesta right now.  Please take me off of your mailing list for this campaign against them.  I cannot handle this right now.  Having plenty of my own challenges out here in * with the same company and do not need any more bad news right now.  Please consider taking some time off from this as it seems like a lot of effort on your part and that their response has not been good.  Relax, take some deep breaths and know that this too shall pass.  Pour yourself into your artistic pursuits, you will perhaps find them more rewarding than this.

re-tort-my-as-s in appreciable ad vance



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