contempt in-k-orporate-d- = c0/n-t-emp-t-empt-ie-d-0u(-b-)t 0f p0cket r-y-f- e-e-d- w/ ti'me t0/w as t e "0f-fall" w hen the employees are b-lin-e-d si-de-ad- 0-w-n-lie- n-0w/-2-ti-me-in-g-fi-n-e-

p.s-hi-t-ing-lass-is-kn0-t-0k-al-t-het-im-e-2-p-ass-as-meta-4-eye-see-all-t-ruth- as hards 0f (?) pr0 0f-unanswerable t0/0 kn0w 0n e in y0u act u all y e -b-sp0ken 2 w/h0~ eye as/k all the ti'me` vein e mer tea rib b0n g0/0d even in min e s0wes fine~le.g.~a(i)n!c/e~ sir come spec t~in fi/n e t0/0 th in fall0w thrU & g/r0w in circumstance 2 pr0 0f ten 0n e in 0 pen ne p as ta will et quill en ti'me fl0/0d f0/0d e w/fl0~w/er e may k m(e)ark et lay k lei~ndifferent lay Te un tu`w/in ten ti 0n e at/he w/heall eee


Can Y0u Here Me N0w

High Definition

C an Di'd leye

Trans p0se all t hat sep't e~mber e c0 w/s well ent in be t ween s0 w in g~0h0 sow het with wing 'f kn0 w/h0 0deas'pare in/g 4 the l0ve l0' g0 0dd = eve in sUm e t0/0 teaLL eap in/n Sun e with us syn0psis leg~i 0n an db (h) ear d/0v~ ie we ye tu`shy e w/igh bush i transc0ntinent~i~ally e tu` app r0ve in re b0und in g ad ness ir 0und in g: ad ness een circular e be reap air e in g's deep air ing


like ro-t-ate ing the ma-p out of frame a gain-s-pr0ut e in relevance


sign ifi can T, sign if fi (fideism all i've) can T vs can't a contraction of cannot, not the same as c an k n0 t a ware in sure thanks t0/0 x 2 t hat re all i ty e is truth 0n e site in sit u. Sign if fi can T & im b/u/e c lea r ly in w/ m0lt 0/0 change 0 gain an db f0stair e.




r0t0 tilling 2 tating p lating by pate in g 0'f0/r/m/e hum er i~deci mating a ware in re lay Tin/g~X act ly e


Ref iN ad vances and s0w 0n Eve in 2 sup ply s'ap ple ye tw0~0d! d0 0/r ing(0)w0re ship as saye see b/0 at m00r 0 de ll igh t inn/0f ten s i'lleye s0h~ h0' SAS t'g0 ad em.0. & g0 ALL anD/0 te art h in D =


the syne syn d0es kn0t may k tire w/heall a r0und ay e


t-r-y-e-tray-f-in-s-p-r0ck-et-an-y-e-w-ay-e-ye have not eat en your "L-0(h)-ck-et-) -2- may-e-k-ey-e-pate plainly e st.-h-am-mer in d place

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ant i~c~i pate in g


the difference is keeling for a living 0re killing: I do not think he-r-acquisition for-e- hol(e)-d-ing people h-o-stage in a grocery store setting was worthy of re-peat-in-g-in any matter 0's peak ing en/e 4 any 0ne 2 l0ve ve in an d/0'f re e plete in g


sun w/ "son" t-ax-e in-it-all-o-ver- her sinning singular ly e ie apparent ly e t0 me an d/0 pen ly e

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sign if fi c/an T : mew el l0ud ly e 0n e j/ b cause use e sign if fi can T ly // all ways wiTh Ly e be mewh 0le t0 me in re all i ty e


her-0-f-fall-e-the heart be disregarded L-as-t-in-g-ly-e-w/ed-is- ease -0-pen-ly-e-r-e-tu` -be-e-




m-ill-i-tarry-e-air-c-raft s-tray-f-ed- the vvi'll age vein a ware : the set back was m-aid c-leer-e-in-0ne-fell-sw/0-0-p- 0f n0 0n e ar e. g. lass ay ke in s/ave in g


syn seen inn t0 me in synchr0nicit~y eyes ingular e t0/0'b serve si'mi'l~are all ent' an/y e

nn= m (e) T pr0visi0n e sym b0wl and b 0le ve r ave n s 0le

nn= n0w/sym met ry e w/ s a.m.e = be h ave i 0/r e tu`


"guaranteed annual w-age" without hesitating /in/re'g,u-ard-2-t-hem-ange-r-eel-ay-t-ing"!"as re in st-ate-in-g- and with no inc0me 2 speak 0/f t en sep-ar-ate-in-g-


ten d0/n e b/0ne' h0me in g0 0d with Day T'D me as u/re all i've in ate u/res crutch and castle f'0r/t/e All 0ne vein un2 di vine w/e in security e


0/r ah 0/u/r e (L)at e all 0!e!a s/ea s0w e c.c.0ntinentall d rift in ke new~ell and ye k n0 w/ing c0re p0re ate d pre miss aw ith all act u all y e 0n ewe s0 whee gh0 e i!mpl0ra f0ra re as 0/n~ e.g. 0h0/n~e ye s0we // man can't make honey on his own apparent lay e unf0und ead agger ain -a-gain-


r/ave ry e.g. c0 e fxficient' 0f in te g.r/i t~y~e c0unt sell 0re b/r0ad er~


t-he st-ink w/-as kept in-t-act -2- r-end the dispirited t-rap- e- : face t/0' face t0/U/r/ e p lace "kn0-t" w/-e/ra-se-e- : s-he c-lim-b-ed the s0cial l-adder w/0ut a t-rac-i- in the place 2 ray T -yet- held con-st-ant -&- sound measure to "re-vie-w/" disgrace f0re x 4 not being perfect ly e Apparent ly e w/ her i-rate sh-e -may-k-s-0n-you-any-e-w-ay-e- 2- climb-ac-cord-ing-ly-or-e-re place : sh-e m aid be calm in ri ver se g0 a-way-e-with w hat' w00 d x w0uld be 2 my pay per~ad + vent u/re all re ad dye in place


mange-r-et tu` c/hew an d c thrU t'act u all y e


see.g. segment an/d~c segue make d0/0ve t0/0 thrU~ b ridge vein ewe


the 0f-fall st-ink st-ayes-in-p-lace by killing people 0-f-f re-me-di-a-ll-y-e- which is -2- say, it looks like consistency at any rate of pay T


a department in a h0's pi t'all ent'pr0 se p air e rye t ent igh t e/r


as pr0 0f in relevance


a per man ent 0/re m0v(i)able framew0rk (c)added in't 0 "diss"guise t0 the si`d/eas~i'l 0!f act c art e ~0~ t0 e in crease its cap a city e w/ in vent 0/ry eyes


war-e -r-out-a-ha-bit-d-b-rave-? n0w here is my life w/are n tin a nu c lea r age 0n eve 0n e ch0ice all iv'e r 0ut an 0ther e all t0e s0 we thrU -tut-ted b-4- err0r-an-d- in-dependent- er-r0r-et- h0-ly-e- t0 me in f act eye 0n i


in st.eel 0!af0re all eaven t'd~


& c any e way e n0./f in e ti'me

ScreenShot20141212at92306AM t0 me`vein ly e w/t re en c0unt air an d current e necessity e fxf are ly e


x's t0w/e~in s~00/t/h/e~


w-ar-s-elf-x-f-lagellate a tan-nin-ter-tryst' u by e har-d-he-art-in/ter-vent i 0n e t0 be "crossed" 0ut f0re quest i 0n e in g f0r a far-t-hing-e- c.c.ur b/an -e- cri-sis-t-here-miss-use-e- g-0-d man-airs just means he prefers hit company e as pigs tye-0n-e- as with an-d-ye -0-0 -0- multi-lied-in-value- of "zer0" s-um, behind a "0ne" of k n0 w/h0 ne in 0.rigin e w/c0ntinuance ve in st re am in g 0/d's hall 0 w/ee kn0w in g's~ e. g0all den & be.g.uilt' r0/at en~ t0t 0' tr0t interest' 0at an t'r0te rec0ver i pr0 visi0n e w/alley e c0ast 2 c0h0st~m 0r0 am 0re in s~inns~i


i t/h/ink it is a gent-el (lay-man-0w/-) mockery -&- crock-cur-y-e- t hat "rich" can make a living with your e m/0ne/ye just pre-ten-d-in-g- 2- be at ten d in g am.b0le graci0us ly e si-lent-0'n-e-ye-


r0~e in sign if/i can Tw/0

ScreenShot20141212at92306AM ScreenShot20141212at92306AM

0d even e w0uld Ay apparent ly e


re b0rn ew/v0x sayes


reference a.m.use in f/act i0n e min~e myT = f0ll0w thru


c 2 s e a si` l0! in! a me undivided by "t0/0" x "2" ti-me-s- i/r 0's c0 re in pi/t' pr0's per e fair e miss i`'l e g. w/are in k/ni~/t 0 t/a/s/s/e/l t-he vassle w/My T re flecti've ly e


t0/u/r e all ye 0n e myT i'm e~ 2 @ 0ne ve'in~t'L as t as~tan ding 0/ d


a pi ece br0ken 0ff in e ste ad dye st.ate 2 relay T


who needs a gin w hen ewe h ave grivity in g /i / n n ear ig ht

we cc ar bons dodder f odder day daughter f ather toom bees living t ap root

k lei too dew in 2 ime inn e

ewe can prat tell inc ape pabel all the time fay e ble






t-he flaggellu/m-ate ve-in-s-


w/ xyz re specti've ly e in te. g. r/i/t~ ye tm trifecta 2 re c0ve r e


ne~mies in thyme in


by "kn0-t-"letting her be seen f0r -a- h-is-lack-0-re-as-0n-e-c0m mer c/i all y e s peaking' sustainably e by-e-b-u-y-e-ha-bit-act-u-all-y-e-


Scene II : ge0/rge s-lew the drag-0n-(e-tu`-)


me t0 me self an d (e)ye speci all i~z e~


h0spice f0r/t/e`at a/u rally e tu`~ alpha bet i.d. b/i/t int i'm e t0/0 d0/0 re vein an d fall 0 w/ap p/r0ve ~


f-0rm f-0-ll-0-ws h-0/a-ll-0-w/-e- "traditionally e" un 0b serveD aye~ le~e~


w hat is a wise snake t0 f0 0dd are

lay e b-oars a~b and one d i/n e fin e w/are b0unding fluffy eye li.d.s


c-leave-age di-vie-di.d.-ead-in-t-0-mb-an-y-e-"s"(he)-ells! ire-on-ic-ally-e-to/o-c-ell- and-s-u/ch-


h-e- h-ad a s-im-i-l(i)ar -e- tint- in-ste-ad- 0f-t-heiven-t-u`-es-day-e-gain-sir-me'yes-h0alls h-0le-y-c-aw-e-s-aid-


he fe-lt a stir-ring in his lo!-in-s- at-the thought of a phone-y- comp-any-i/e-

sea tan fe at e sate tan d saye tan, sa t an swear w hat has your sat c0mf0rte. g.i'ven t h/air e ap pair e f0llws~wear e in re vers ing e 0de all a m0re~ the lie-0n-s-aye-s-lam-b-m-aid-cur-rant-ly-e- in (h)ear t h 0't0/0d ay Te


say e satan an d-u-e-2- w/-a-t-a-x-e-4-fr-e-e-t-h-r-u-e-

all-a-way-es-0wing-&-never- k n0 w in g's us ayes~ h0


See. g. me/an t

See X ample as e very e t hing e~ mean~t~ 0 me

fe / i r 0n e

pr0tect in sUm e. g.erman

f + ei (4 x f0re. g.g c0n s pi r/e) is t0' b~pre sent in(ano)s(ec0nd irecti0n finder w/ new f0undland hi re x hi.~g.~her


seg see. g.i'ven an t an d se.g.ue syn t(h) aX e vein 0 b ridge us t' all e c.c. y e in f0r me all ey e t0/0 be c0/m et u`en ti e` gain f0al f0ll0ws fall0w in ti'me in ti'me fi ne fin e segment an d segue sa.m.e t0 me in re visi0n e's net w/0rth e w0rk in g p.r.i'mE~ at c-ir-cum-stance-ha-bit-a-(in)-t-e-vein k n0 w/h0 pe


tan in w00d bee ark 0f t'd0g g0d p.r.i.d.e w/e d~tu`~ne in 0f t p lent~ye a gain an d~ irecti0n alley e sea seep s.ap pr0pr~i~ate lee


love lum bus t 0 me an d0'le l00 men n' c0unt(h)er e fact u all

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c li'm(e)b hi'll w/high~L/0!~ve in ~e/u~ directi0n e tw0 0d/e e du/ne ti'me 2 c/lay eye re ad be 0n app/r0~see n in ew/e c.c.


0rigin clasp = c L(0ve) asp in p.r.i'de wed w/hat' w/0 0d e v0w e re be am 0/re j0ist in g~ p0w er e t in a ne "t/b"in e~


a pig is a gif that didn't measure in provision e w/right 2 follow e w/(he)all s0w e.g. w/xyz pr0w/in(k)now in g w/h0 ut c are built in tw/0 just the s0/m/e~air~e

k lei flower e stepp est bye step in it 00 kl0mp c0mp any e vein oggin


re c0g ni z an c/e ase be sp0 ken ned by e w/ell ent pr0visi0n e t:tell e t0 me r:rye w/rye te


a dye f0r/m/e T a X i'll u/s (t) in g u L (ar)e~ap~er fec t a l:ly e


segment, from 0rigin is t0 cut, & e.gr0w by a (h)and even s0w e in such

excise is to tax & to cut, and i quest i 0n e the matter discarded as Scene "such" w/ reg"U"arding r-a-d-i-c-all-y-e- a muck per -t-rac-i- t-0uch-r-ail-r-0a(-t-)ding-r-0wn-up-


sun sum e w' sym b~0l e & b0le b0wl gildi.d. c/Up 2 d/rink~Up c/lay e0'f sub stance 0f~e X~hume an db 0d:dye direct~i~0nally k~lei c lay e c;eave & c li'm(e)b pr0se t`tie w/t~ruth~e r00f in ude ye pr0stitute in elegance f0r e s00t/h/e/ i hei t0/0/m 00 te 2


i sur/e m'eyes p/lit int0 n0. 0ne`ware ness aide can T are in/n myT i'me in/n


the b/r0ad Miss Ta~ke~ve in t0 turn e t'able


fe c i/t ye i r 0n y e


get l0~st you thieving' s-w/in-e'-de(a)ll-2-w/he-y-e-w/-p-0ut re past in Xme alls'0h h0w/hew/e in c0re p0re ate d ew/e 2d/uke le i


re t in all ent en et 0p be h/ave ye 0/r e


spinning i have cap a city e w/right in fr0nt 0' me

use e / and you-do-not-act-u-all-y-e-t- you-want-2-be-seen-as-pr0-vie-d-i.d.-

to be seen 0-w-n- lie without being is an lien - pr0- deuce-d- on another being t0 /0 -w-e- you- in -fam-e- w/-fam-ill-lie-

y-0-u-r- love isn't on the line, it is mine & it always has been in my ti'me fore x 4 completion to reap air and re st 0re in

and for e this y-0-u- "want" w/ my in sign if i can T say e t hat i speak for you w hen you do not endeavor 2 speak t0/0 ne 0ne & thrU


r-et-net-tel-he-ad-an-d-y-e vein -ly-e-ret-ard-ed- re t0 me t0'b serve in my 0wn un d0ing 0 pen ly e t0 pr0 0f t ly e


i see more int0 t-his t han just kangar00s -it- se- am- per- use -tw/(h)0-s-e-vein daughter-ly-e- mart-yr-e-"h0"steria-0-


lets play a long : a th-ie-f s-caled an "8"-foot-fence-"2"sit-on-long-(h)er-e-

in-an-e- (an-y-e-) : Me-s/hell constant-ly b-ad-g-ers people with inane quest-i-on-e-s- kew-ring ti'me to faux st-air-e-hi-re- me-an-in-g-less-eve/r-w/-right-0n-e-ti'me -t-urn-ed-2-s-ub-li"me" aka sub-lie-n- ("1/2" a m=e's e/a mer i/t) "x" (0ver m/e in e~) "2" fer-ret a-buse- w/ a nature all a. m./use~um.0.wn ly e (h)-and-ie-ly-e-2-re-pea-t-in-s-um- unquest-i-on-e-ly-e-n-eve-r-e-2-be 0n e c.


c l0! d~td beck 0n ewe streaming c l0ud


du/ke fin gers c raft ers ex hale ate i0n ex al/ta ti 0n e by e hear t h all over ove raven e/a r0 am ein kn0wing reeting reed past land eed in/n re ception e.g.a/in ano second t hum b in/n 0.rigin all 0l f0r k's hall0 w/e ll and well an act u all ye m00 t00 d00 & dew/e~


eXe cut e (w/ pre ss as pire pre miss 2 mainTa/i/n) & epi t0 me X press d0/you/due all i ty e in functi0n e t0/0 be a ware in/n

Epit0me in 0.rigin 0w/ huss ye sas perfecteX ample t0 e. g.i've re verb i/ and i/n Kut e=r=a w/a b ridge 0de 0n e t i c t0/0 s a.m. e steel e

e X ecute is t'd/0 an db e X act ly e in ti'me. g.r/ace ful ly e 0n0 w/(h)ey e vein tu`~

it is a c h0 re h0 w/eave r it a/s a pr0 c e SS y0u w/ant tw/0 re st 0 re t0/0 be am.0re nd f0/u/r e as e e nn=m e'vein thru h r/u in "time"

p.s. eye g.i've w/e head act yl ly e t0/0 be c0/m e' vein s0 w/ e cut a g.ran/d swath et t(h)u`e/ave n 0 suc c0 r inc y'k/n0~w/e

ScreenShot20141212at92306AM ScreenShot20141212at92306AM

wit - ness - h-ad - nothing t0/0 d ewe w/ i/t 2 pr0se pair e in 0 pen ne` ware past and h0/as/ta s p/ear e t0gether e l00 men's as mine in pr0visi0n all t i'm e



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e- very-e -0-ne tr-0-ts -0'-ut the s-am-e -X- cuse- s-ay-e-t-an-0-ver-an-d-0-ver-y-e-0n-e-g.-ate- w/-pr0-w/(h)ate-vain-"2"-sir-p-ass-e-p-are-ate-at-la-s/t-0re-i-gin- without resistance vein t0/0- L0ve dead- at- all-a-m-(e)-all-0f-in-ven-t-i-0n-e-ye-0ut-a-t-im-e-r?-e-le-v-an-t-inn-fancy-s-ee-as-e-0----f0ra n0 re as 0n e the skeye b-line-d- in-n sh-0r-t-0re-l0-n-g-c0-m-in-g-s-ee-k-well-eye-de-see-v-in-g-

i put a s0/n~net 0n e my b0n~net w/2 all yew ayes an dbee n/ear ing' sum mitt e r:ra in re in ri hei~ght ye frank ly e sir end er twice as nake ly e

well with w hat w(h)en are you tall kin g a b0ut e vein ly eye s aid 0n e m.e~

c ar b0n b/0n e g.0/0d i/ne' very e t hing e tw/hale mur age w/alls 0w e.g. ain an d fall 0! w/en j


0's te r/i a ir en light rai t f air eye s/i/g/h/ t/ing e~


(h)0y e`n fen est (r) a w/(h)0ne (l)y e undere st.and & dew/e s wee per swu m0n 2 ac c0rd i/n g A gain -4-r-each-t-w/-0e-per-pet-u-all-y-e-see-king-as-sell-fish-i-lly at-k-o c0 h0st all a r0und f0r a n0w ed 0/ut in-t-ree-verse-g-at-e-in-g-'s-0-s's0's-


inane is-watt you want to see for-eel (w/ k n0w c0unt en ants 2 teaLL and/0've~ in te r e st 0m e`ate @ a per serv ear ing (t)rait' ew/ear w/ax e pr0 s0d y e. g.rass 0/n e 2 & all re lay T w/~ill and well 0! am er sea c raft 0'b0ve in e` l0 pen l0t d00 run inn 0ft


c-harlot- / has no kn0wing to s0w e, in fact she does not want to kn0w e, and passes on her competition for no reason to me-shell to h-0-/n -e- me all s0w-e-b "right"-in-lie-f-e-e-

c0r0ner e the ye w/rite inn right a spirits the f0r/m/e/r e 3 f0r/t/(h)e asking 0' 2 0' a.b. i'd e~g.c l0ver ye see r/0wn (e) c (necessi~ty~e t0 me tm e'vein 0. dd/0~ve ra causa w/e~


s-hill-t'-he-b-0n-e- in free d0/m e t0/0 b serve t/h/e X ten d/e/r an/d 0bject -2-t-h-at- in 0 pen~0w/m a ware ness at/e 0's sa w/all 0t t0 tay ke in min e at all c0 h0 st ability may ke stable. ag.ain X is tw/h0 w/all k a cr0ss t i'm e t0/0 get/h/er e

mir-age w/-h-all-t0-0- murage w/ wall-ent-2-g-reed-g-rain-

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gib bon b ir d ew ff ly e w in ds k lei b odd i'llye cc om p l eat e w/aire nare in


f0r e w/hat is 0ss0 w/in elegance 0 gain es aid i vine ar0und i/n e w/0le luck n0w e in s0w e all th0u are te ~n~ti 0n e.g. lig ent app r0ve dew in e~ s0w ed 0e te ven ti es table i/shed b0lus te~n~ 0n er e st.and in g's~0n0rer ave n s0w e


c lim~e

c lim~b fi ne cUp ass ap as such as ey'e~

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the tide all m.o.u/t/h 0/f a ll~0w/ a ne & w/ax 0' ri'ver ~0a~ r~ unning w/he~r~e me et ~s~ t. re am ~e~ in l0! w/ eye l~i~fe~ 0n~e~


be in ie ei e.g. g0/0d i/n ti'memay k lei be a min e c0mf0r t able belay in e

i think your sacrifice is over oat as te life loaf ool 0ve b-oat-e-no-te-

poop in grass po op in h aye at last and ing w circumference re all and ing


ac t0re r a vague w age mockery t being in pre sent cmp any / you can own lie live vicariously won at a time n the soot couldn't be fodder from the sooth e

in ein know on e on e le.g.acnce in t'i'me inn fi n/e w/h ooppoturnity 2 define & may k ue w/ ri te on e the lio n eat a x e

min0 = min now w/ all sow e hall with all 0 w e e n e e

e.g.rea at e

b re ad ye wanted love to fost aire e t h air e d b thread be head i/n unity e vein o ah 0 gain ana log and sym pole pol e frog e gads 0/n~e~ 0'le

tan in instant ini stand sit at it remumerating visit ation rights x write pre script (h)igh on e s

taste of the wi'ld e'ye inn knowing re at re past comp lea t in

there is no sequell ownly e 2 sea k well seap well and

ther has always been knew/ tat ears 0' l0/ng 0/n inn time understond as ast e ear e mire e priorities

thread b are

w hat is an '8' a~te (te = terra = (h) ear t h ly e) 3 wi semen w/hy(men) h-ave h-as/s-aid -2- speak eye w/ m-ire right x write

w hat is an 8 eXcept a yin yang le ib ait an0 t he/r e f0 0d der

t-heir is no foe h-ear except in your d.r.-e-am-s- because you are not rationally E sup ply ed in-your-din-t-ano-t-he-r-aster-e-d-e-vein-


succumb w/hale d ear i b ring l0!w/ under e t0/0 lie pr0 per an d/i spell ent ill t as k/ne/ad at all s ell and eed ed be e cc eed ed aye T able a feed ed ally e Se in e ri ver t'b lush


see u c c0re succor un bel0!w/en j0y w/ self d 0ut a partial lie that is executed -2- diss miss in the -0-pen pre miss calculated e X tra 0r din ary e


i can't help your stupiditye as long e lastin t as your y-0-uth "x" ponent "i" ally "e" (2 my) g.ravitye pr0w/ t in 0w/h0 ut


t-rac-i- s kid-ding her-e-self -2- c-lim-b- an/y e b/0d dy e she can step 0n am-i-ab-ly-e-in-c-orporation-unscene (lowered in re noun value in "time" ass-i'd-e-) "=" mo-re-op-poor-t-unity -e- "2" apparent-LY e pr0vide 4xfore you "Miss Lea/d" by an Ass-a-W here ing my High D in-ner -0-pen-pr0-v-e-in- gui-se -e-


3 wi~semen see m e'vein an di recti0n e f in d c0un(t)sell ie be c0/m e in ti'me~t0 even t hu~e~u~i/n g ad ness

avesta has a poop loop they don't beleaf in -and- are dis p-lacing integritie ase as s0w e n ature g0 b right in life n 0ugh think i am wrong in Miss Stateing for k-not- "p" "c" re lay T in g -and- prostituting my integrity for-k-t-heir-un-necessity-e-nuke--le/er-r-(h)0-r-e-n0vati0n-e- very rose has a t h0 rn in pr0visi0n 0w e

charlote hope i am not going to be held accountenable for a lie-on my tiem

lifeless c lay we cc have this in common t'lay e w/(h)all re ad dy e inn 0 pen

dont want me to express to any one pre sent thus circumventing faith from sentience ie a reason f0re it and masquerade as saving the day e as much as may king it 0 k e


w/all ent 0'b b0g ans~led~ s~0le a/nd i/me in/s~


ret in a net0/0 b c lea r at l as t eat an d00 w/ in c02 pr0 fer i/nte(~r~a)rest


carbon carb 0n e

tj willing to compete on me as i was present any way e you observed to r-ape position in place t-hen-an-d-


w/(h)all k be f0re we cc an t/r0t e busy e bee buzzing thrU t0/0 le fly e s(t)uff ix in g lee fig ere & f as ten 0n ever e lastin 0ggin e Miss Ta~ken


w/ xyz L = 2 L0ve=w00d ew/h0'0d e w0uld 0 me & ma/te r/i all ent in c0re p0re ate i 0n e in cre8i0n e 2w/ te & m0ve curvaci0us nake day Ta r:river e'ase p0nd in g~s 0un d/in e rip pell mail and a male. g. en/d l0h0ngings~ rest 0re g u lar e.g.ilt re e fxf re e 2 add 00r e tw/0's un shine 2 p0re in t'wine~ mi d ear e s~t~hy me ans/w/ear im e nature all y e vein an d~ w/ealling's~end~lull a bye


this may appear as a trifl~ing mess pear~0 you with the preen ed appearance (-0-w/-n-lie-) d0 not in f/act re pre sent in s kin -and-as-s-uc-h- mis-re-pre-sent-my-cr0w/n e re n0un 2 b/pe all s0w e t0ss0 up an d0wn int'd 00 in g 1 & 2 0 pen ly e X act ly e p.r.i'me in functi0n e w/ Miss Take 0n e the high e way e g. h0 st 0n e`ifxfi = say e re mem b e're are run 0 i/r0und ark by arc 2 f0ll0w/ e/a ste(e)p en and i/n(e) sep t ember e challange s'e as 0/n all y e re p eat : the facT Miss Represented at (a)LL as t in -t-in : "you" o-w-n lie lo-ok "g0d" if -ewe -t-hun(&hinder)der for "k-no-w/" re as 0n et tu~ ap pr0ve in sum e vein b l00 alert re ad 0n e mer~tea s/0~ce ans 0/c/i/able/e. B Lee, "kn0-t" b-lee-d-w/-a-s-m-ill-e- because "`" yur abble in a c-raid-el-in-"kn0-w"in-g-f-abel-ly-e-w/ail as -t-"right" hat c an t even spin 0. ff the s a.m.e in pers0n A (as there is no re as on e 2 under your whether e vain)eve r.-i-.p.-0ff-a-

ye can only speak with me with your desire frontally and i see that would may-k-traders-raid what you first misrepresent as your fortune you have made

yew with only preseentable appearnace 2 front ye are not engaging actually and you have never been =ly engaged 2 splend00r ave n

the-tri-umph-of your i-m-age is your prisi0n as(ty-e)-f-act-2-b-complicit-2-com-promise-all-waye-s-if-tooyou-w-an-t-`win-inny-e-n0-h-uff-in-fluff-


gilt 0' be 0w/n ly e goall 0 den' sa.m.e ma in s0we in ewe in f0und face in g r/ace fully 0 ~


re all cause t0 write vein tu'be f0und a r0und just. be it 0t:t0 p lay e in f(L)av0r i

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rib b0n ne tu` my bl00 sky es h*t re ad f0ray e re as 0n e vein an d aye. g. a(w/)in s ablee ss ing (0/d) f/r/i/end un/sir/cum/size-d-in-kn-0-ri-gin-b-ar-f-in-end-0-a-gain-en-tit-le-d-2-be-ep-r0w-t-




0-0-r-e-g0-ad- de pen di/n g0/n w/h0 y0u k n0w e n


gilt 0' be 0w/n ly e goall 0 den' sa.m.e ma in s0we in ewe in f0und face in g r/ace fully (e/a)s well and s(h)ave in gs~x in re com pen sate i0n se all and c0m man d i/n g's~aid en d0 0ut a gain in n 0'/ft en 0n~s 0are.g. in~s klei ret hue d ear e g(h)0 ly te/rra r0und c0me pass maid en fact & face te d


4 x f0re l0ve tw/0/m/b are r0und, fxf re e must d rink up in re flect~i 0n e ve in supp 0/und f0r~age st.raw/ inc 0/m e tw/0w/ ss ista~blity e f0st.air e int0 s/he par/e ad


w/(h)ere parallax does kn0 t 0/0 shine w/r~0/ng ly e' vein e'ye ar/0 und i/ng f/act yl ly e tw/is~see sea say e sat e


the mess i must address is you w/hine y e in it / the mess us-se e apparently has not been paid in a s0le~i.d. week o-w-n lie weak in s-t-e-ad-e-// by e the w/aye leid = suffering in german w/h0 spice ye myT ad i/n re vis i0n e'vein


art (0/0) c 2 sea se am e as u/re in~0w/h0 ti'me'vein s0w e~in h0 ly st.ate dr~e 2 w/h0le g0

p leaf a forth and a mend meant h eaven


and s-k-ewes- e.g.-i-b- e- p.-c.c- lan-d-


you no t presenting your self e vane are only adding to my wor"k"in ge me as ure


st.0m/a is c0re n0w/0m b


a w0uld 0/0r e met all b'0le~t w/(h)edge 0/re p/in/e f0r e pinna w/e p2r0claim in 0h~ igher e h0rigin e by e fi re the glib gib screw terns in thyme in s~and s0w e b0n e fi ed f0r all ey e in 2 ei b/0n net tu`lle t0/0 the w/h~ind min e




h e.g. be ye pr0 f0und ly e inny e ni/g/ht 2 i'm e in t0/0 thrU~ be ye leaf in e re ad ye


gilt 0' be 0w/n ly e goall 0 den' sa.m.e ma in s0we in ewe in f0und face in g r/ace fully (e/a)s well and s(h)ave in gs~x in re c0m pen se all and i/n g's~aid en d0 0ut a gain in c0mp an ye vein an dbe/e/h/ave


w/ash be a c/a(i)r b0n e c0pi n 0rigin fl 0at in g0/n ew/ Pre Miss under st.and eve in thrU tw/0 b e.g. race undertaking 00 & burn f0r/m/e 0n e` 0n e b/r0n ze d


di.d. he unfriend 2 be. g.race i/0/u/s ly e vein i p0r t en d aye. g. A i/n an d f all0's aim(e) aim e n-0-n'e_art i fact c0nsumpti0ne as c0mp-any-e-as-uncti0n- an-d-ye.-"g"0ver-(u)-n-in-g-i-s/t.-ear-ing re"@"tenti0n e at L ast and 0.g.e~e w/e in~min0 w/ind0w/ 2 rest 0/re d 0*give X ample A f0r/t/i/fi~eD ~irecti0n ~ally am e'ye t(an)tu`br00te at f0 al~la running wit h0~ut an/d t'anye h/ear t h iss y0ur e fe at e~den t ran ce @ t/it 2 teat h ap art 0/0 k /nit and 00 t00 dune w/re at h as w/rye thrU le. g.~i0n air es 0'gi've n tu`fxf re e ly e 0ne & tw0 0d 00 d ud e ly e re may k in gal i lee k and may k re pleat in g.rave y e 4xf0re t h0se that en d eave 0/i/rs p0 t'ate 0's in ste ad e w/

0/U/r e~ach and g0/ di pr0 visi0n a.m.(e~)0unt in he ave ns millinerye st ate ve in n = without -y-0-u-r-ap-pr0-0f- fictionally e standing as igh t in L and in -g- us- you have used nature against women as a di-s-pose-sable-c0n-0-my-e- fir-st-ly-e- c.c.0m er c i all y e st.-e-ad-y-e-st-a-t-e-


s-he speaks 0ut her anus as the own lie way-e- to-re-cove-R-e-sep-a/re-air-e-in-g- much like Avesta you See w/ more polish in re serving


di.d. he unfriend 2 be. g.race i/0/u/s ly e vein i p0r t en d aye. g. A i/n an d f all0's aim(e) aim e n-0-n'e_art i fact c0nsumpti0ne as c0mp-any-e-as-uncti0n- an-d-ye.-"g"0ver-(u)-n-in-g-i-s/t.-ear-ing re"@"tenti0n e at L ast and 0.g.e~e w/e in~min0 w/ind0w/ 2 rest 0/re d 0*give X ample A f0r/t/i/fi~eD ~irecti0n ~ally am e'ye t(an)tu`br00te at f0 al~la running wit h0~ut an/d t'anye h/ear t h iss y0ur e fe at e~den t ran ce @ t/it right 2 teat h ap art 0/0 k /nit and 00 t00 dune w/re at h ast w/rye thrU le. g.~i0n air es 0'gi've n tu`fxf re e ly e 0n e~ in X w/rite x right 2 f0st.air & tw0 0d 00 d ud e ly e re may k in gal i le eve in k and may k re pleat in g.rave yay e 4xf0re t h0se that en d eave 0/i/rs p0 t'ate 0's in ste ad e w/

0/U/r e~ach and g0/ di pr0 visi0n a.m.(e~)0unt in he ave ns millinerye st ate ve in n = without -y-0-u-r-ap-pr0-0f- fictionally e standing as igh t in L and in -g- us- you have used nature against women as a di-s-pose-sable-c0n-0-my-e- fir-st-ly-e- c.c.0m er c i all y e st.-e-ad-y-e-st-a-t-e

trapezo time to contain wilde and plain w beauty renew in same name

at inference last face do i grace evane the same in function airye direction e

gent el un protuberance why are you doing what you due with now one to may k re all thru and thru becuase you cant write or t right yourslf out of a script you haven't given thought t0

as 2 as tw/0 0 d ay t able ad 2 d0 & due & d00 d00 & p pe w/c & pee pee e

why do you think it is your functin to cuase me dou-b-t as if i wouldn't woodn't literally fine d 0ut ?

you think your history is se/am "V" pr0 0f~ as the scene-air-ye-

w/out your own ho to carry a cross time, -just- cr0ss out with your pre-sense- thughtfully rot as pre-sent-s-en-sei-enough-andy-way-e-

being un necessary my f ri end that twood 0ll most be e van e

is kn0 the way e w/m e w/m/3/e/nnuc ne st able w/in t/e g.r/i/t~y e

traci put me down because she was vip with manageing and it was obvious to her sensibilities that i cold not due waht she was doing, because forthrightly she wouldn't let me speak to her equally e so i will speak to she ap, i cold not due what she was d oing bc i did not want "2", need "2" nor could se a way t0/0 tw0 in fallo thru andtaht is what her re-vie-w-s -ad- e-form in her con-st-ant- re-flect-i-0ne- w/ vip status that shat us

maybe next time hq says to make the equivalent of "haste" out of yur employees you tell hq forthright ly to fuck itself o-w-nlie, and not have the employes take the hit for yuor-0-pen miss-manage-meant-0'h-ark-en your u"m"p ew-ar-d- movement / squatting o/n yur employees imultaneously treat as n-0-thing-e- unless they learn the fine g-am-e of kissing your ass-eiven-t-

om moulton what i do for fun besides whiping the asses of probgably you and the people you know to o -k-

susan louise i am going to knead yuor help with any of the go od has given't the / you need to figure it out maye help erme ate susan en ate

i exist among -din-g-(0)-d-on-g-s- nick

is anyone else feeling the squeeze on the middel an how it is "fronted" con=spire=d-eeyore- it is like i a menat to stand in place like ka the statue in recepiton of "mother" of in-vent-ion- and- never k no w/ bet air sustainably b spoken as my right to be heard succinctly the first time as the last h eaven in reflectinon


pooping peep-hole with interest 2 see k well ent dec 3rds till at no cohost in the 0 pen //i want 500 from each of you re-liable jac ka sses and may be your hype will ring true 0n day 2 stay e

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panached let scent literally sent fly in g race

flyin every direction whee g0 t0/u/r/e in x g rain sen day e X ampl u may k ins te ad ew an dewe in 0ggin wheather e vane


may k highD into lea t her w/h0~ut' use of tan nin's b ark in si(g/ht)de tw/0 0l as t0/0le a day Te' s~0ak in g a s0le t/u~ti~0n~e 0f allum ni/gh an d saw/(h)all~te tu`2 day e thrU


a "nick" n-am-e fora s-ail-ore- san-ta- X -i-ti-me- tar-paul-in-g-2'0-get-a-way-e-w/-by-e-ar-t-re-ea/s0n-e-min-e-w/-hat'- h-av(-i-)e-w/-e- ste-ad-ill-y-e-2-rest-0-re-in-an-ny e


a g-am-e-0f-marr-b-L-e-s-s-aid-be-e- the venerated marr be/alls- lie- h-igh-ten-

l0de n w/0'0le n t/w/0'0d be t0'0le n tw/h0 e vein 0n s eg f air an d f are nd am e

seg w/hay e seg me an t 0 w00d bee
