High Definition

C an Di'd leye

Can Y0u Here Me N0w


d0e smee dick-tie-0n-e- sound ph0ne/u/y?




Ref iN ad vances and s0w 0n Eve in 2 sup ply s'ap ple ye tw0~0d! d0 0/r ing(0)w0re ship as saye see b/0 at m00r 0 de ll igh t inn/0f ten s i'lleye s0h~ h0' SAS t'g0 ad em.0. & g0 ALL anD/0 te art h in D =

i meet your sow and your sorry sow rye ass legall

i went to the legall

i did your work to provide your stated worth

you s-aid you din't "know"

dint "know" i was in a court case with me-s/hell you kept in pallace to divide my energy from ki (a)n ye

you supple lied w/ "due" count-en-antsy- a lawyer "2" "inn"form e


my work i did for you for me is not appreciable with interest i can see -&-


quaking as p en quakie asp ect

sh(e)immers in the wynd

u need me actuall aye w/rite a gain and h0y! be calm h0~ly even level ed b/r0/ad en d/0 e vein an d


i to/o k 2 wind w/ hear t fr0/m/e astar t a stable be a b right x w/ri te 0 pen sirius a si'de w/ave aye bi'de t/0/U/r e verb aye t0/n i te f all 0 w/ p.r.i'de 2 hi re elegance


how to sep sow and s0w e 0n e

sep as t'you a go all s0w e


put 0n e cl0th eaven ly e n0.u/g/h 0/f ten a me an t~ed b ran d i/n g's um in(x)ni~ng


e(very e t hing e)pi /n advance rt~i/fi/ed i/n e deci/me/t/e/r as g0/d as mine X hi/re fi/re


eX c is e t aXe says(ai) di urn all ye in pre sent place apparent ly e w/face f0re x f0ur e referencing Fir.st = L as t p lace

i b/ring eth ease w0rds up as apT apparent 2 transparent hinges 2 c up an d c0mpleate a c0/up eb:bell ei b/L0!w/h0le ein indefe/r/ents t0/0b ee st0w e:

"you" cant charge a t/ax (e)0n e g0/ds if ewe are c0mpleating's us w/i~ft p.c. 0re kn0 t in k n0 w e ins 0 eye see y-ewer c0-up an/d a me/et' y0ur e s0 w/rye te as k n0 w e


due all is f/0/U/re f0r/m/ate i 0n e w/ b/lis s/ap a rt in knit0/0 re in vent ~i 0n e 0 wed ue t a gain an d


di u/r (ear n) all y e t0/0 d ayes & day~ly = i/n di es at is fact i 0n e 2 return e t0/0~

the warp and weft we ave i w/heave ns0 h0 eny ew/ave t0/e.g a/in e whether e vein x vain transparent ly e l air e nter e well 0ne per p0se tw0 0d be u = t0 = fly e = t00 x 2


pr0(e?)gress -e- g0 fig. ist rite w here you le/ft it


high-d-efinition, high-d-in-self-definition-e- be hide t0 me in re plain sight (h)eave n eye may k cir cum stance ret'r0 fi/t 0/0 st and i/n re mark able at l as t quarry eye 4 an i


di es et to day es ane w/ aves 0ar em ay k wayes et t0/0 d ayT in re landing f ate at a c0/ve/rt a fxf air e are mark et rait 00's pair e par/e reap ear ring flair ye well as the se en 0w e nj0y ent may ku/re


a y-ewer could bee a wide mouth j-ug w-as-h- e- wing-in -di-stance-my-t-

ay ewer could be a wide mouth jug t0 wash and 0/ve t her e A/quari/us w/att air e in ste ad e

all yu have to do is t-urn 0n any di/me and be in-fir.st - apparent-ly-e -2-d0-0-r- e- g"U"arding-more-bet-air- &-in deep dependence has l-and g-ranted b-rave fan-did- "ly" e nominially un seen independent lea in the first p lace act u all y eve r aglan law-st-int-u`-f- ashi-0-ne-u`-&- an-ding-q-uarter-ly-e-re-el-eve-l-t-ell-

Larry set up with pr0visi0n in e w hat define leg/ances in dia g0/n all passes n0w/ n0.men & n0.min all is t/0/0 Miss Ta/ke in fi ne


0'lea t her e t0gether an e sane san d andes h0/unds as light as a fe/at her e all asp en & l0cket quakes in vein s~hi'm:me ring a wake ye as is as is as is eye hi/gh t in re flecti0n e & percepti0ne w/ink in re mem bare ants ayes~ dance~s ee k w/ell a gnu ance kant hel p hims elf act u all y e


t hat is p.r.in/t ed 0n et'each pack et -0re- rack-e-t- in the gab un de"fined"-find- 0-w-n lie'n pay-per-vie-w-in-g-2-be "nominally" the "s-aim" in-t-i'm-e-


the wi'lde be e st has~he art ac tu` ally e w/ habit@fr0n t ally et tu`b/r00t~eye 0n et0g ether an the c~l0uds 0w e much a~ze rent ed hue ti'me in k is sea thrU les 0le per 0le


burn & shine b/right en ti'me`vein 0./f e~ther e way e w/ant 0we b e/ins inn pr0 0f 0und f0nd ly e as~me ad e w/in d0~

le per leap air e late vein 0./f~ten 0n e c0nspire sat is fact~i0n a par t ell eve n pr.i'me ar0und yne ar t =


e very e dyne di/n es 2 teall and taught dw/ell 0f t en an d break b re ad en/0ugh t w/in ten ti 0n e w/ fall 0 thrU b right ly e i.d.en t~i fi ed

acceptably your name in reflection and nominally as pr0vided & pre sent ed & pr0tec/ht/ed i/n dy(e)ne Miss Trust is accountable t0 me actually e in re all i ty ea such t i'm e in g's have ase w/acumen t0's pear as knead ed f0r e sh0re vein 0 m.00r e derivative dr.i've 0fxf 0re life ins~Um/e symmetry e mer~ry ing faculty e g.r0und i.d.


a-hazy-in-action-identified : we-ar-e-writing-a-p?art-a-cr0ss-t-im?-e-m-aid-en-t-u`- fall0w-all-w/ayes- h0ll0w-in- sign if i c-ain-t-&-unAbel-lie-0n e


c0/0k~ies we(a)re merciles sly hazed w/ direct retribution to be m-aid by -ear- n- est-divi-isi-on- any h0-w/ -in -c-as-e -d-fine-d- b ye daye b re a k~ fi ne in eve ins 0 we ar rest ing


w hat 0/g's accountable tw/0 c~l0! an/y e w/ay e n & te at i'm e r:rye @sea~m e di vie d f0r/m/e ~h~ eave n/s 0 en/c0unt/a~re bright en 0ne t all0w/e are c0m pen sing~ 0/n ly e~u/s age t0/0 thing ate at/m in Last & m(V)p 0/0p l00p in g/race i/0/us ly e


symmetry e tm's h0ulder b0ulder e b/ride in s0/n's 0m e t~i er 2 ear n~ @ c0h0st augh/t a


derivative d/air/i/rive~ t(hee)/i've = a/r rive~t~ly~e g.ain 0 pen ly all s0 we ll ad d00r ing eye h/ave a rivet in (h) and rive raven t'right 0n' ti'me alls h0


syn0psis :i think -men's' l0-cal- dom-in-an-s- makes up f-ear-e- in im-age-in-ation-e- re the hazing has grown to be a beating (in-sustain-abel-definition-) by another "man" supposed "ly" s-0-w-e- t hat is not the case as cast 0ff at all! men are afraid of taking a beating from w/0men when t-heir scene c-ain-t- be "seen" sustainable independently in time worth perceiving t/ruth t m00r 0 (nor eve re verb account able t0/0 x 2 be pr0w t a r0und evenly all the time)


having the power to d/raw war 0ff and rive in revie w/ ing 0 all s0h and plumbum et tu`for e her suit ea r a ware th0ught full ness h/air a w0n ee ring ladder