Trans p0se


the memorist was the horticulturist panning f/0re ~s~t0r~e plan t inn gal 0!re vein e w/e re vie w/(h)inge~s ti'll earn 2 x t0 w e.g.r0w/hup and ue "kno-t-"oo-con-de-s-cend -e/b- the w/heel 0 w/here the w/hall 0 w e in differ rent ten se in c0re p0re re all being f0rth e be lea f in g'seen sing e ing's~and's~end's~ing's~up p/le men twith t variety e

As requested, the written letter of argument: I apologize in advance for the digression, I must allay frontally as with permanent opportunity. I believe Attny David Chamberlain has purposel-ly prepared a slanted presentation in court, with angled provision from which his witnesses would speak obliquely with artificiall inherent right as reason, to "effectively" put a band-aid on the source of the problem supplied by their own "hand" debt tor 2 "return"on litigious command,






for no reason spanned, own lie panned comfortably, out of sight and out of requisition, and out of commission on my lot to me in my ti'me 2 resident me in reflection's 0le x s0ul prime intention, if my mathematical equation ein prime interest and linguistic *fideism may state emphatically in corollary &e~ X amp/le af/ford & reward clasp an/d grasp be/lea/f system~e X p0se with real pate to platen plate one mere mer w/rit e n0se as/p future. g.r0ws I reference s/take to/me make~t' my eyes~trait pro/vide di.d. be a.d./ate even to the wood that would' s/hank ten/able vi~e pers epeeist~ ooth' s/word en~ s/pay 0re~riginally~ a.d. d00r~t w/hinge ing's h~ave the a.d.00r t00 the fi/t frame & fLame.a.d./a.m. and g.i'v(h)e berth a spirituall as symmetry too/the literall efficacious bee tu`be root 2 (h)ave n~ew e been e benef~i/t frontally e nature~all~y use in kust is just being b.c.~an/d~0ve t' pr0 0f ten0n e intenti0n e tend0n e 0rigin inn synthesis time mitt made t0 return meaningfully seen for seeming the same~ emcee s/p/arc completion a resoundly in kn0ws aid e/b the heart with a part to provide even one's nares CB broad s~ides & all a round art f0r/m/e~t fr0/m the tart an start and continue 0n inn last soul let sole touch d0wn same ai'm to segue 2 a gate t'0~w/(h)all gravitationall g/races aid tu`/be. g.rounded in/n f/act in realitye act/u/ally~e ast'w/00 den e ma/ke to/o the be a st~ing~ing ring as knead pattern ally a w/ear thr0ne b/e~ 2 just bee~ing compLeate ll~y/e~ & tye dye eye sustainably in re all relations~hip reflectiveilye~ on/e~x~cell en t/hem that maye~t desire a d/r/aft an arrow~ee krebs e X ten s(i)0n e f/air 0 debt t0r e by e & buy ~h/0ur 2 0we~ desire f/are 0re st0re fi re in s/era ~ s~ prime rim rime mer rye pr0tein seen si'evens 0ar e protos fir/st fi re b/righ~t 2 x & t0 me/as/u/re past and af~ford current p/leasure seek/ing the daye asp fig 0/d d/ate tm~aye/ke twice wise st repast in sLide ~b~ t0/w/e buy and Break fast and togeT/here in re/verb f0ra re all reason evenly e sup/ply~ed ap/pealing lea now/ e to w/alk on/e watt air e sh0~h and~ept'hen & t/hen~ th' emotions of people lent (mote dusted to me/an e m0t) t0 rest~0re the w/heel in singular pass as keel int' land pr0w ta weigh~ till and hi'll trans~action/e at/m (= merit at mere writ s/take &) s/hake hand dye in he/ad as the value of the money et tu`be (h)a.d. by e hade~si even if fe (i/r/0n) (h)ad a (h)eart (h)2 0~ be. an dyne inn vena cava spirit'd ti'me m0uthe m.0.wly e wh00 dayT' fig' span~is/h 2 0we re/ad by e rad~ray e veins if the dish 2 0h ~0~ pan e` were the pan 2 dish 0ne w/(h)0n e w/(h)ere 0ne the same ten 0n e fair est' personall sediment~s aid ap/tly apparent app/lease ass' sifted in e vein ly e s0w e 2 attain aye in the same vane 0 pen plein s/ands~ave & c0mp aire t' w/aves ave = w/(h)ave true the w/heel 0!aves aves (e) g(h)ave i w/hey inn & span a re tree x treated e/bt 0 why n/ature ally e w/hymn sPeaking t0 w/hen & ten0n e read b re ad as p0ken to/e vein e complete ly e in figurati've ti'me me ad just s0w e inc 2 rest0re me2me` vein e me/to/me = f/aire in calculation eye can breathe refined en0ugh~for/t myT prime & refinance sit 00 the see all and ti'me in frame & fretwork~eye ad00ring the c0h0st~ing f0re the sh0~w/inges ~ s0li/d paws and haws approved the tp laus i/b~ell and fi ne inn e miss takes traveling mind let lent repose in 0ne time asp besp0ken tine f0rk air e rind ein~s 0

n e m0t t0 r vis a vis 'nemo dat quod non habet' act u all ye = law in your stable vernacular ret t0 me/an apparently in La tin : no one gives w hat they do not h ave t/tu`p.s.up ply e~ t0/me ingenious sell fish sufficent ly e with the vesica piscis eye intention d/r/a/w e~are in the m0ment 2 supply e the st~ranger est manger (c~hew/ed ear' ye in 0rigin 2 persevere in rides tin ate i0n snail athe r0`ut in ti'me rep0 changes lats 2 relax all am0re) -vs- s-nail j-ail rec-on-counter-tooths-ail- ast d0~ve eve inn s0/m~e

breath ease re cycle a~b/le a.d. e~


the res0w e w/(h)as e the be.g.i/n~s as pr0 visi0n~s T0r e d/r/aft hr U 2

As requested, the written letter of argument: I apologize in advance for the digression, I must allay frontally as with permanent opportunity. I believe Attny David Chamberlain has purposel-ly prepared a slanted presentation in court, with angled provision from which his witnesses would speak obliquely with artificiall inherent right as reason, to "effectively" put a band-aid on the source of the problem supplied by their own "hand" debt tor 2 "return"on litigious command,






for no reason spanned, own lie panned comfortably, out of sight and out of requisition, and out of commission on my lot to me in my ti'me 2 resident me in reflection's 0le x s0ul prime intention, if my mathematical equation ein prime interest and linguistic *fideism may state emphatically in corollary &e~ X amp/le af/ford & reward clasp an/d grasp be/lea/f system~e X p0se with real pate to platen plate one mere mer w/rit e n0se as/p future. g.r0ws I reference s/take to/me make~t' my eyes~trait pro/vide di.d. be a.d./ate even to the wood that would' s/hank ten/able vi~e pers epeeist~ ooth' s/word en~ s/pay 0re~riginally~ a.d. d00r~t w/hinge ing's h~ave the a.d.00r t00 the fi/t frame & fLame.a.d./a.m. and g.i'v(h)e berth a spirituall as symmetry too/the literall efficacious bee tu`be root 2 (h)ave n~ew e been e benef~i/t frontally e nature~all~y use in kust is just being b.c.~an/d~0ve t' pr0 0f ten0n e intenti0n e tend0n e 0rigin inn synthesis time mitt made t0 return meaningfully seen for seeming the same~ emcee s/p/arc completion a resoundly in kn0ws aid e/b the heart with a part to provide even one's nares CB broad s~ides & all a round art f0r/m/e~t fr0/m the tart an start and continue 0n inn last soul let sole touch d0wn same ai'm to segue 2 a gate t'0~w/(h)all gravitationall g/races aid tu`/be. g.rounded in/n f/act in realitye act/u/ally~e ast'w/00 den e ma/ke to/o the be a st~ing~ing ring as knead pattern ally a w/ear thr0ne b/e~ 2 just bee~ing compLeate ll~y/e~ & tye dye eye sustainably in re all relations~hip reflectiveilye~ on/e~x~cell en t/hem that maye~t desire a d/r/aft an arrow~ee krebs e X ten s(i)0n e f/air 0 debt t0r e by e & buy ~h/0ur 2 0we~ desire f/are 0re st0re fi re in s/era ~ s~ prime rim rime mer rye pr0tein seen si'evens 0ar e protos fir/st fi re b/righ~t 2 x & t0 me/as/u/re past and af~ford current p/leasure seek/ing the daye asp fig 0/d d/ate tm~aye/ke twice wise st repast in sLide ~b~ t0/w/e buy and Break fast and togeT/here in re/verb f0ra re all reason evenly e sup/ply~ed ap/pealing lea now/ e to w/alk on/e watt air e sh0~h and~ept'hen & t/hen~ th' emotions of people lent (mote dusted to me/an e m0t) t0 rest~0re the w/heel in singular pass as keel int' land pr0w ta weigh~ till and hi'll trans~action/e at/m (= merit at mere writ s/take &) s/hake hand dye in he/ad as the value of the money et tu`be (h)a.d. by e hade~si even if fe (i/r/0n) (h)ad a (h)eart (h)2 0~ be. an dyne inn vena cava spirit'd ti'me m0uthe m.0.wly e wh00 dayT' fig' span~is/h 2 0we re/ad by e rad~ray e veins if the dish 2 0h ~0~ pan e` were the pan 2 dish 0ne w/(h)0n e w/(h)ere 0ne the same ten 0n e fair est' personall sediment~s aid ap/tly apparent app/lease ass' sifted in e vein ly e s0w e 2 attain aye in the same vane 0 pen plein s/ands~ave & c0mp aire t' w/aves ave = w/(h)ave true the w/heel 0!aves aves (e) g(h)ave i w/hey inn & span a re tree x treated e/bt 0 why n/ature ally e w/hymn sPeaking t0 w/hen & ten0n e read b re ad as p0ken to/e vein e complete ly e in figurati've ti'me me ad just s0w e inc 2 rest0re me2me` vein e me/to/me = f/aire in calculation eye can breathe refined en0ugh~for/t myT prime & refinance sit 00 the see all and ti'me in frame & fretwork~eye ad00ring the c0h0st~ing f0re the sh0~w/inges ~ s0li/d paws and haws approved the tp laus i/b~ell and fi ne inn e miss takes traveling mind let lent repose in 0ne time asp besp0ken tine f0rk air e rind ein~s 0

n e m0t t0 r vis a vis 'nemo dat quod non habet' act u all ye = law in your stable vernacular ret t0 me/an apparently in La tin : no one gives w hat they do not h ave t/tu`p.s.up ply e~ t0/me ingenious sell fish sufficent ly e with the vesica piscis eye intention d/r/a/w e~are in the m0ment 2 supply e the st~ranger est manger (c~hew/ed ear' ye in 0rigin 2 persevere in rides tin ate i0n snail athe r0`ut in ti'me rep0 changes lats 2 relax all am0re) -vs- s-nail j-ail rec-on-counter-tooths-ail- ast d0~ve eve inn s0/m~e

breath ease re cycle a~b/le a.d. e~


the stale fig st/al+led i/n syn/thy~me an/de live re/a.d. Aye.g. 0/d en' sup p/le. maid b~lea fan d c/leave trace sea~s~a~see~k~ t'he~m t0r e bel ly~s pen t~ 2 kn0 t' a/ve captivity ease churn perpetually for no reason to be 0ne ath~r 0ne


she c/ar~rye de~b~t 0/m e the sh0ulder t00th e w/heel alla l0~n/g's~uss ten 0nes have 0n (h)e ave ns~ e'ye s0w e in c0re p0re ate de w/(h)0ne necessary e pr0 vis is si0n~s 0/m~e.g.0/n~e

heave in g the w/arp an de w/eft heave ns ee de w/re all e pre face too the see mat last vs the law-st-ark- being seen for not allowing 0/n e b/0d dy e tu`be in re all i ty e s-kin-ning-tan-ni-ns-too-l-ook-the-same-tooth-eac h-over-t-ag-gain-in-n- eye heave n0w e in fr0nt


the f lam e de n sit~y e tested e/b t00 the li0n's hear t hr U lea pb fi re pr0 0f ed~e/ed c0m p eat~


fi de is m/e~ t00 the di 0 gene~es 0/m et tu`p~sup per an g~ i'ven t' g0/d i/n er eceive in g's~end's~eed~e b/ t0 me t hr U~ 2 at 0ne tu`de n0ugh~t fe at her e.


f0r/m/e, i quest i 0n e the "use" of the com/mon slash as a divisi0n symb0l and b0wl and b0le vein, that if you are not 0ne vein, you cannot di vide int0 / t00 the & lend a dalliance 2 l0ve in re all i ty e pr0 0f~e


My ap/paul/ogy, Miss F0rtune laye D 0wn a fig lint in trust~ b.c. she new t0/me much ear t/h~ as/p eye pers0n i fi/t~0 empl0y @ habit e ti'me t00 the n j0y ein 0ne st/e a.d.'s~ an e X spec tat~i0n e t00 the re gard en~s0/m~e~


sh0uld e we t00th the law-st- that can't make 0ne a re all 0 v/era 2 causa in te ad de in 0ne ti'me : if the law e can't stand on its 0wn he/a.d. f0ra re all, it must st/and 0n e w/s0me 0ne unseen f0r the pr0visi0n e in just being inn 0.f/f e~ i/r/0n e me T all a re sT0r e // as the 0-w-n-lie -n- e- way- too-the-pre-serve-s-aw-aye- "ie" pr0 vis~i 0n all (with n0 square f/aire a.d.dress eth'seen si even t d/rain s/ink s/and's~ai'm a.d.~e


clear LY not c-lea-r-ly-e-by den-eye-in-g-t-hr-u le x i c0n "like" type genus / genu(i)us and transformationall g/ram mer would be a "miss-take-2-" fo-r-t-e-we-as the-n-eg-lig-gents-sawe-d-0f- to-ad- "girth"-2-sir-my's-e-

is it s-owe not obvious, "man" didn't pro vide for t heir savi0r ye t-hey s-0we the scene dis-t-racting-e - with-inn-s0le-lent-s-ee-k- this scene is "created" tip-2-stern-2-aft-tu-be-pre-ven-t-e-d-in-0ne-c0n-t-a-in-er-t- seen f0r e rati0n all (but n0t re al~ly e with0ut re-c-0ver-t-in-g-'s by "1" denying the face 0 rate ti~0ne all ye as T able lit~tie~inn st~all in g's~end's as lend's 2 lea de ni/b~ inn c0re p0re ate de b t0r ad am 0/re : the vein 0f inclinati0n e'ye the s c0/re ~


the tree leaveth traces of/fit f/lat leave~s ynth ti'me inn c0mp lea twith 0ur saim mais~e c0re nye thespian and e/b the pi ne s/he a.d.s 0/n ee d/le pr0 0f~0und i/n an de~v~0ut ly e w/hin directi0n see k in nere t lay i lee apparent ly e in 0 pen f0r/t/e sty/le t hr U


if the "law" does not provide for ration all lay men c0n c0urse, the "law" cannot properly define the con text f0re the LY suffix regarding making a relation ship pr0 visi0n all/ye speaking and the very "act" 0f n0 f/act, surfeits reason from its 0wn frame 0f reference, "2" be reg"u"arde-d-0ver-t-im-e-. This is a serious problem of "Miss Representation" si-lent-ly- lent- ore- naught- all the earnest value is returned from the mt t0r e & not returned too the sup ply ear th at is why I consider t-his-too-the-be-a sham and culling for a malfeasant living, being seen as the virtue of my be w/h0le an~saye without being put out of my own time all re ad dy e made n0w t0 pR0 0F~e~

which makes me think, at some point, eye should talk about "Ave-st-a-" thank less "afford-ab-le-" housing as past merit all0we same w/ g/r/ace t0 re turn 0n e tw/h0~s~t~ing virtually & ironic all y et tu`p/an/s~ide seen inn vie w/ing's~0/n eye w/ave be calm s~


mess-age. g.raft 0n e by apparent ly e d0ing -0/n-e-thing-e-in-k-n0w-e-fir-st-p-l-ace-n-0-f-f- with0~ut apparent quest i 0n e in g's~uss up aT'all 0f~t (the "inn" k-eye-per-e- has "know" re-serve-ate-i-on-e- in "knot" hearing my quest i 0n e/n 0ugh t)



the sir-kill-u-l-air-e-con-un-d-r-um- is the circ/le & se~the cell and' sell are kn0t as pi re all a.d. just a si'r-e-sel-l- con-tin-u-s-e-


its as sift the pan lusts for/the w/heel t0 be at'he scene keeling & thus pre serve the lending without question inn g -all-waye-s-et-2-re-duce- time as a matter of -2- x - t0-p-r00f-e-0n-e-ye-w/ = the consumption of nature to support this unnecessary nonsense "tu-be" observe D apparently in re all i ty e, it-all-s0w-e-w0nt-let-it-be-as-sP0ke n T'r0pe (t-hey are competing for entertainment rights too-the-t-rite-ad-dit-i-on-ally-e-


her suit e shank & hank and~car~rye in g 0 turned e/b the (h)air unsp0ken f0ra i se as (h)0we t h/r e a.d' st/ring inn g's~end'~sup ply ed dy e per f0re ate i0n s e t00 the mat an mt hew/ e aves w/hey e tye


d-avid- c-ain-t- acc0rd the circle lent t0 wed ew 0-wn-lie-n-i/t-hr U "le"as the c0ntainer -am0ng-up-pi-e-seth-and-s-cream-s- aid-0-ve-t-ail-0n-g-

the s-him sir-sel-l- can own-lie re-circle and not as pi re all t'windling c0st t00 the c0 h0 st in g re bel ly e t00 the tail~i/n g's


t0 me, the c0re r0ll a/id e/b t00 the c0r0llary in st/an/ce like a cuppeths eth t00 hi de intenti0nall identity e t00 the r/i de in circumference s aid f0r the are in g's~end's lender a~he a.d.


-h-ades provided -e/b- the shade sowe the question never a rose and her pan was all wayes disregarded with "no" apparent scope 2 review (with) the rope-a-dope- (holding her pan in questions-no(re)s-e-


i think a.d. a.m. & eve, hasn't hap pen ed in history e & the scene, aka document - lender - t'money-es-ender-an-d-signer- this storye allows all men to be c-ain-t -&- unable, -&- st-ill vie-w-ed-cap-able- just f0re being's~0we- apparent ly und0ctrine-d- in-n the time for competiti0n e vain kn0w-e-


the c/all y x ze. de ns it~ye~s~p.r.e a.d. e/b t00 the w/t hr U = le heart may ke~0ne mem0ry e~as te~r/ra~ve~s~ave~ & beck 0n


d well hi/d de/n~s in kn0w e pt plan t hat apparently has to suffer -ue-ass-ides-end-s-


of c0urse, math and' science is 0/n ly as g0/d as the integrati0n e 0f/f ew/e 0n e t/wh0. The prime # needs t00 the be linguistic k2 relay T and e/b translate Day T able vein~see in g's~end's~ 0/n s0/m~e in ten ti 0n e 0b serve able 0f/fe

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she was in a position to secure the filling w/ires that the sir-cut-t-re-e-d-is-sap-pear-e-a.d.-en aye with kn0 t 0n e b/rave inn~s ire 0n i/c all y nicke-d-the-s0cket-an-d-0ck-e-t- he treated her nonetheless as if -t-ease she wasn't in re all i ty e w/e-all suppurates the screen ere veil in g's~ c-as-t-e- in g her as a b/itch for -h-is -re-a.d.-irecti0n e w/ no relativity e c0n~s pi re right in fr0nt 0 n0se th 0ur (h)a/is e ll end ee p ly e


mea culpa~b/le ye t/h0~u/gh~t 0 bea myT fall 0 T' L0 de n/e~cessary e T'like sera t00 the pr0 tie n' deed e~n tin e may ke~


ironically in nature, man cannot make honey figurative i ly ore literally e with-0-b-d-u/r-ate -a-me-as-u/re-st-ate-d-lie-su-re-m-ate-d-


pi/t is not the same as pi-ty-e- in f/act hat pity's re-com-pen-s-e- is "honest-ly" prob-ably- administering the pity in some-w/-h-aye-s- 2 den-y-e-w/-e-in-c-


it doesn't surprise me in the competitive construct to misname words to the dock u meant ' send's air, that the word 'pate' goes "ulti-mate-ly-e" with an unknown origin t00 the sPeak 0/f/f~e mur elay T a l e.g. it maid = its the o-w-n lie way-e- "i/t" can se-am-dipl0-mat-i-c- s - am - e - in the n 0 pen d's~end's~


di o genes was looking for~a/ny e w/h0ne~st i'll

a seen f0re the being t with d w0rd is the mark in g's~ 'p' fore place at any d0g g0d aerate n0se e~


t-hey are be-ans-that cant hear her for her self -own-lie-her-d-for-the-we-all- eaven-d-s-lack lake 0 feeling reel in g-0-f-f-i/t-e-p-i.d.'s-plastic-k-ins-pi-re-ate-i0n-s-

the scene hol-d-er put his shoulder to the t-werk- w/-hit-e- pride in kn0w/ 0m b f0re st all 0ver t hr 0ne t hr U le ar t h0me ins h0ne


the ber tha t00 kearn~s et' hear t w/h0'0le yes e t00 the fall 0 w/hey e w/hall0w/(h) eave~n~d's~0we~in c0re p0ur ated fr0/m/e s'0le a ware ness

he-brew-s0und's-like-b/ruse-m'dear-e- & bruise ruse 0ver-t-ime-tu-be-re put upon some one t hat feels act u all ye with0~ut re-serve-ate-ti-0n-e-f0r-t-he-in-dig-nan-t-oo-the-n0t-f-ell-re miss as Underst00d's~0/m~iraclul0us inn ste ad e de/n ed fi ne d e/b t00th t/read e/b tu`be re/ad & fall 0 w e inc and's ink thread in nigh~ ti'me 0rigin me 0n ee

heber city, kearns, his torreye bertha tayl0r e c00k & neb e k/air e t0dayT is all in my e w/heel h0/use if/fi.g. away e regardening the h0st0rye within knit 2 t00 the suc c0re w/it an db mitt pers0n ally e t00 the b/e ar th 0 w/ de serve in g' seen inn value s0/n's eye T~0 pen ly e


the fe all thy e t'high~th0ugh~t full eye vein 2 le.g.i/t i'me may Te~ther~e vie w/hinge~s ti'll eaven surr0und i/n eye w/e t'act con verse sayT i0n ally e your "g0d" hasn't speak, -he-w-rote- and-e/b-t-0r-tu-be-a-mt-tm-fi-ne-(h)r0-se-e-mis-ta-ken-t-00-bye-2-

your "god" hasn't spoken w/heel the sa.m.e ye must plum bum rendering's p.r.0cket and e/b the l(i)0ckets ai'm e. your "god" has own ? ly been written in nad vance too/the n/aught 2 have a face by -e-your-e -w/-(h)aye- with no competition in completion e-m-aid-e-the "bye" g.0-l-f-ed-tu-be- saw converse l-ly -e-

the scene as "saw" lo-b-ed-0f-f- the h0sT0rye ten0n e in ten ti 0n e.g ate in g a gate inn re cepti0n e as separate "mistake"

for/m/e w hat is being hidden in the hi-de-finiti0n e is the seen for the saw and saw/(h)inges t00 the reap air e uni verse all y e.

the points in court with d-avid- i went over online at one time, and now cant find, sow these points must have been lost in the computer crashing's.

do i tire of the s-him renting my tit? for nic ate i 0n e? with "pre-miss" t-hat -he-w0n't-let-land' standing's~ i think if d-avid wants to be scene here, he needs to send me money to host him virtually, as my mem0ir 0 pen ly be calms aw/e all thy & thigh t high t0e vein~si.g.n f0re the c0nsequentiall thinking' seen f0rthe being' seek well e/ave n d's~ and e~b~ t hr U = me m0 i/r 0 pen ly e t00 the rest0re a.d. just b.c. eye c/an and a.d. fine ally e with ad e/b the w/hey & w/hay & w/eigh~t

the weal to be well and sup per le/ft separate the w/heel sup pur ate as aid-dishonest st-a-t-e- 0 being m-a.d.-e- a plate on my b/0 d dy e f0r a re-ference-0-gain- in kn0w e thing w0rth s Peak in gas p~fed perfecti0n~sent a ren de ins i. g. ht a.d. = the dock u meant sender & lender b/end e/b the percepti0n e vein 0 ggin's 2 k eye pi t00 the w/hall0w e ave ns t hr U le X i c0/m e in g/le am s ta~ye as tu` be re all re a.d. dy e

the shear e density 0f t her e divisi0n s is terras pr0visi0n si even f0r/t/h/e/ many e se/am in~s all th0ugh she didn't understand the l0g0s with n0 c0 h0 st 0 tu`be r0se = isn't every-0ne-a-john-these-d-aye-s- , my appaul0guys, for the same saye in the 0 pen, i f0r 0ne d0 not see a conversation with day T able acti0n act u all ye


w hen e will e the rich s0we seth a t00 th eave n t hr U bye be/st 2 tri ply 0ut h 2 0we in c0re p0re all at/he way e in address and's aw/(h)all ea pair e t0uch and' see as sawe t00 the re c.c.l0ver t d0~with creati0n~see m use at lat/he same ti'me in e cheeky p.r.i.d.e~s


the bertha tai~l~0re the seam and's tress e the ad chief c00k and b/0t~t/le w/asher e ad e/b the seen e c/lea/n e t0g ether e vein's c0pe di vin e

f0r/m/e the 'hem an d haw' is apparent ly 'imitative' in k origin, and the clasp is unkn0wn e the. g.r/asp ath e min~si even e fir/st a b/l(h)e bertha w/(h)edge in g's and kearn's~ing's every e thing e

hades had -e- hade get c0t t0n up in the d-raft- s-ir cum stance- the same - - - - vain - - - - at-all-c0-h0-st-2-n0w-ed-ew-t-hr-u-


d-avid-s-a-cr0ss-the-rive-r-ass-fault-0g-ether-e-he-brew-e-all-0n-g- me in e min e : has hist0ry-e- changed' significant ly f0re s0/ng in a me/as/u/re Miss Underst00d e w/(h)arp ed & w/(h)eft~00the w/h0le act u all ad dress up/0n e all a T'all as h0sT0r~r'eye w


just "b.c." d-avid doesn't apparent ly e rate too the w/heel speak indelibly on the line in my time i have pro vide de, should be seen for the bye he is incapable of act u all y e Lending between the sheets as their is no redeemer t here all s0w e


the a.d.ifference 0f a circ/le nt 0 repast w/heel and circumferences Miss'uss pr0w t, is the circ/le has a s/hear t ~h~ 2 0 st~a/r/t an d c L* as P* 2 as pi re all t'each ~ pass as h0re ly e c.l0ve ~n~ h00ves e. g0/n e f0/0t a whi/le. g.0 all den~s inn~s~ aid/e~


paying t hr U n0se is the 0nly price t00/the paye in advance f0r/t dayT. What is paying too much as an unfair price to-be-a-m-aid-en-sel-ly-e-s-0w-e-g0-at-e-very-e-t-hing-e-0-de-b- t'- ill-u-se-i-on-e- sol-d- as pr0visi0n e ttu` be apparent ly e w/h'0le all s0w e.g 0 inn g // is hid de n in the se/am/s.

While "one" person s/takes competitive-ly, another one s/takes for completion. Their value given for a reason never returns the value too the m e vein. -&- w-hat is being s-take-d- by the other "one" is a c-over-t-up-. Why? t-hey are operating in the "fabric" of the warp (the length of the long strands, representing the vertical / spiritual if you will, as the fixe-d- position -e-too-the-ste-all-in spirit as/s t-heir-free-w/-heel- grante D by women and nature ie both that cannot seam to be hearD speaking for just being b.c. sustainably & the a.d. e/b t0/me may ke reference 0n e t re e~ H 0n e st ly e with e myself i.g. t0me 2 @ 0ne time me/muse/see k.

I am not forcing any "one" to partake of me compeating, however I can see w-ho is obdurate -2-t00-the-h-0b-scene- wile- purpose lie forsaking the earneD value that tie eye & i f0r any e with de/si/re in re all i ty e tu`be complete just for the same see k/ as can di.d. f0r/m/e in 0 pen re lea fe~inn g0/d's~

The warp, is assumed, in all the biblical con-te-x-t-u-all- references in the dictionary that classifies men as the radical and potential valUe carrier (e vain) (re the competitive time frame "i/t" has always h-ad, and stolen -t- from women and nature 2-too-the-sus-stain-it- apparent ly et tu` be "seen" wasn't t-hem-)(t-hus-s- the "need" for the per-pet-u-all- scene, too-the-m-aid-&-n-eve-r-e-de-em-0ne-ye-inn... any e 0n e b/0 d/dy e)(the scene cause the seen inn re all 0 value too "kno-t-e-" be seen act u all ye. The act, the act u all, the act Tall, has to be c-0ver-t-ed-e- for the de-formed-e-b- to appear "seen" relative LY -&- t-here-fo-re-necessary in the con-s-truck-t- 0f the competitive market - up-, which just-i-fi-es the entitle-men-t-oo-the-men-2-not think much, particular ly among the women t-hey-e-use-d-up-e-0n-e-con-text-after-after-after- all the while, nature is depleted, every f0 f0r f0re rest inn e very e se-as-on-e- women are simply a casuall tie to pay for men's irrationality, appearing as the sane gasket giver t's hues with a b/rain, because "i/t" c-an st-ring sen-ten-ces tog-e-t-her-e- g-r/am-mat-i-c-all-y-e- w/ n0 re all pre sense am0ng me inn min e s0/wn e c0mp any e.

The weft and selvage ends 0f the fabric need to the tooth be regard end's~ the stories that are per mitt ed t00 the p/as/s with honest reference which d-avid- obdurate-ly- does not have reason with me too the h/ave. And, I am not permitting his "story" line to continue with "Avesta's" as imper-ial-l -t-0g-ether-e-lender unless it is scene bet tare. The weightless words be they w hat they may in the 0 pen f0r ray e 0n e the line in the ti'me all re ad dy e st able i/s~hed aye T' Day Te~ & i myT ad all ready h/ad e, the verticall inclination vein from the head's~ T0r eye 0re send's~endless~lay~e

With consideration, the words with held & the purpose behind e/b t hem, and the words apparent ly 0ffered represent a directi0n e fi.g. t00 the's say e. & t-hey represent "amiss" "x" "mismanagement" of my ti'me 0 pen ly e tu` be seen f0r a.d. just being t0me as withe me, on-e-t-heir-e- per-pose lie as the own lie -n-ow-e- way-e- 2-pro-vide-mo-re-the-s-aim- the lie has to lie on s0me 0ne in re all i ty e, as the lie cannot sup p0re t it self irrati0nally e. Which is too the saye, the "love" & s-h0w-ere-d- apprai-semen-t- 0f-t-ethers- and "g0/d's- will" pur-pore-t-ed-ly-e - is re all y just vaccuous and t-act-less. D-avid as an ex-amp-le- is "mere-ly-ear-ly-e-" clothing him sel-l-f- with value he hasn't earned, -&- has "misplace-d-" s0we he can be scene in continuity aka as "seen" soweing the value, while he hasn't earne D it t0/me as with any e b/0 d/dy e in re all i ty e & in f/act is c-0ver-t-ing the re all a tu`be seen e w/hey e the a.d. just value tit~marr0w e b/rings

0ne person's pity is another pers0n e capable pi/t f0r e terriT0r~i~all reference eye may ke & s/take t00 th~quick. the ill-u-se-i0-n-e- makes g0/d pe0ple pay, for not thinking like a criminal-l in the fir-st-p-l-ac-e- & communications t/acts with the spoken word representationall t00 the h0b serve ~ "g0d" didn't actually speak to man, except in word, & i art fully questi0n e the observation e too/the be spoken without a w/heel 0 a merit w/ear it e in fr0nt 0 me 2 hear x t here at e & de f0cus~shab-it-u-ally-e- 0ut of T-0r-rig-in-n- up 0n e me.


see h0ur church crutch the Miss Underst00d/de vain thr"u" = miss g0/ne amissing-2-x-t00-the-seen in virtue & vert (h)u~e in just being, "verse-suss" being ca-pit-all-y-e- s-hun-ted- in-de-gree-d's-0w-ease-l-l-y-e-



he-brew-the-rive-r-e-p0-ten-t-im-es-el-l-f-2-a-fault-in-ass-fault-b-r0ad's-t00-the-brew-e-in-g-s-2-the-re-s-t-0r-e-mem-ber-th-u- as significan't 2 my "misunderstood" per-pet-u-al-ly-e-


iron-nic-the-s-am-e-lee-t00-the-rest0re-ray-t-e- 2- now-e-st-eel-and-ste-all-e-qu-all-ie-p-lay-e-d-e-ns-lay-e-


w hat is the pla ten in ten ti 0n e w/h0~ut a w0rking' sh0~ulder & h0/use as pr0 vide dayT w/heave n's aye w/e t00 the may ke~ the circ/le as pi re all (d-avid-c-ain-t- pride-full-as my Miss Take? Miss S/take mewe's a th0usand's wayes aw/e 0n' seen ere s0 w/rye t0 w/h0 ye as the st all eaven d's aye.g. a gate 2 w/hey e

the nef and e/b the nap kin/n ere t is the net and e/b ten an t00 the seine river and e/b the net act u all ye in de tail' signature pre serve inn g's aft as p/lum aye be f0re t'd0~ve in p/art/i/c/u/lar t hr U le i~b/0 d/dy e & b/l00/min~seen~singing c0nsistent ly are yaw end's~aw/ m/eta f0r/t/e` tat 00 de inn~s~


the seine seen seine in g's as fall t, its underst00d its aim eta f/f0rd i/n e my being tw/iligh~t ea~t0/m e rest0re & heli0 p0tentiall a t00 the residential interest 2 fi re t hr U

Elie Wiesel wrote a book on existentiallism, from his time in the holo caus-t-ick-b-0ne-s- ire 0n nic all y e, Hit-le-r- wanted to be an artist, among the jews, and gew e gaw e. Elie Wiesel for all his existentiall worth, was a lender in to the Bernie Mad0f-f- and lost his life savings, and 15.2 million from his charity, if the online reports are write as too the find i/t. He survived the holocaust, and lent too the nan/0/ther e jew and the jew "jew-ed-him-" for the be lie fi/n g/0n - e- AM I Miss S/taken t00 the b/ring this up per f0r ay & f0re ate the nave inn ten ti 0n e m0uth 0 ly e/as/e~ t0 e inn~s0w e in c ~ par d0~ne my s0w e'ye d0th kn0t e. h0w e the m-an- mac's and signs, the same history b-light-en-h-u-f-f- or be "calm" too the n0 f/f "kn0-t-" seen f0ra re all i tye at le as t~ i dont get how "you" can sowe the same sowe for "re-el" 2- st-eel-and-ste-all-2- in -ti-me-t0-0- me/as/u/re a lie -n- unless n0w is stipullated to allwayes be c-0vere-d-up-e-in-g- w/ per-miss-i-0n-e- which i didn't ask f0r e vein s~ seen just fore being the sa.m.e in my 0wn T~i'm~e~


the b/0rder~is~e in 0rigin e w/here c/an e b f0und 0n e the b/0rder ing the habit w/too the bites table is/h 2 0we in f/act h~ave t/t


d-avid hems-and-haw-s-0/ut-of-court-to para-phrase- an acti0n he didn't apparent ly make with sayes s0we, yet the acti0n com-mand-s a descension on his unspoken her-e-see- not made w/consideration e "x" cept tu-be-the-n-et-of-his- pattern-all-narcisissim-for-sale-fors-el-l-and-fo-re-cel-lent-2-en-counter-his-berth-right-x-write-as- your-provisional-l-b-light-00-the-p-ass-s0n-e-0n-e-


D-avid wouldn't get the prefix he de-serve-d- as he didn't heard own-lie her-d- at the same-t-im-e-too-the-L-ob-serve-d-

d-avid never cut his vie-w- as he her-d-eb-too-the-saw-e-t-hr-u- / -e- / 0n-2- yew-e-0n-e-ti-me-d-0/ut-0-pen-ly-e-

the selvage t her 0 sera vive de ns~it eye w/eft an the w/arp ee ven am 0re


the net tell st/ings when t-ouche-d- ligh-t-ly- but kn0 t w/hen g/r/asp~ed firm ly in synth ti'me vein ly e t00 the fi re 0n e my Hi re c0.g. lent'a re. g.r0pe 0n e the li0 ne~e de ns~ay eT f0r/t/h/e f0r rest 0 w/hinges all 0f ten0n e in perceptuall end~i/n~g's~end's~and's~aid 0 cumin~thy~me~in~c~0/min/g/le in's ave inn~s


h-e- left the wh0le miss aw/address 0/n e're 0wn e mc 0n up the but tup ithe with~it f0ra i seek well and~ 0ve ye w/rite t0n e m0unt an s/wear 0ut' 0w~n~

my appaulogy, d-avid never treated her a hem and ew/(h)awe f0ra re all eaven, and e/b t "his" Miss Address ? wrong ly? when he never cared to carry e the relati0nships 0/n e the w/hey e vein kn0w eb be a.d.


the warp and weft were pre sented with out a pan apparent 00 the b/l00m~s/ayes i even in knit


competing is the biggest insecurity and it takes -2- to-w/reck-on-e-complete ly e -bereft-st-aid-e-gratia-s-ecretariat-lariat-e de (n*) si re

*n=n0w e ft f0r/m/e n ti 0n e mc 0n e cessary e pr0w t 0w e ft 0ut an D0~ut~g.c.l0! aves and c0m/p/an~ye 0n e~


F0r/m/e the warp and weft f0rming a st0rye, with the warp (w/(h)arp and w/(h)eft) the w/harp is the planar long running st/ran/d's in place b/l00/m/in~s and e/b the w/heft~00 the pass across the plain's~t00 the w/heel ad dress~ee/k & c l0! 2 t0g et/her e it hr U

F0r/m/e the "w/harp" verticall view is sore ly in knead 0f disapproving the see De

he s-lew-e- the g/i/an/t in hist0ry-e- w/ith a mel0dy e with ink and b-rink 0/n (n0) s0/n~g's (e) X acT ly e s0w/ eft f0re l0re & l0-an-d- t00-the-n-igh-t-s-hill-inn-s-0ar- e-s0we-"t hat she is n0t p0 ligh t~" t00 the re turn-s-cam-e-c0n-t-a-in-er-e- g0/d e/b thing e my mem0 i/r e sp0ke sup per ink Up.s.~


she (h)a.d. nati0n e vein s~t re am in g's uss in re p0/se p.r.i.d.e~s

although she appeared toothe have a destination, to proof of/f receptive ly , the lie is in si lent's 0wn -2- t-0wn- e -with wh0re & with th0r -ing- 0rigin's Miss Steppe st's~eths t0r e in e mem0ir e.g. rist 2 be e t00th and dock u meant re ad 0n e at a ti'me t00the s0w e 0n e/arn e de b/ tw/h0 c 2 sea tw/h0 e vein s ave in g's up per~ing's t'ewe & w/hey e 0f/f c0urse in g's l0ve n d's~


the. g. r0ve in~s aid e ligh~t re e f~t00the~s~ail in twigh t/wh0~0 l0de ~n~ s0w e


the nave w/xyz inn your e m0uth 0 plan at u/re t00 the re sT0re p0 ten ti all y e sup ply ed en's it~ye t0/me the matter as s0/n eye : "men" just don't want to see the c-ain-t- pro vide the 0ne ans/wear as kn0 t he i/r self (and the n t-heir-scene-would be seen all t0g ether e = an un just distracti0n e the vine with no c/air e fore st0re in 2 sign if fi can T D~0 t'hy


vie per e Ve/n/0m in all 0!am~e all am~t p0tentiall' s~T0re yes Pea~k~een's lat e n/t' last d/re/am~s~er a in' si eve n's~ec0nd's~aid~e & in e f0ra re all 0 aves~end's~0w/~0ve ~nd's~ ew/(h)e ave n~d's~elvage l and just~00t'he~n addressed e/b tu`be jewell b.c. l0ve i l0re a.d. e/b t0r e teLL ande well e w/hale~s0/n 0n' s0n net g/r0und bye as~tars~upp air e very e tu`p~aid ew/e pt pr0 0f/f~i re 0n eye (h)T inspiration e the whale a/t~e the re tail e tw/h'0 le fl0wer e~g0~

Ve~n~0m e would only be have & be gav~age as t0r a venerable quality in/g ambling a state of being the w/all k 0 pen as kneaded ~0ve in st re am in' s~L0ve~nd's = sySt/e/m 2e~X ten d~e/b~tw/(h)all and e w/all s0we be calm inn 0.f/f ly e T'hr 0at in t/0wn eye T'(h)0ra re as 0/n e at L as T in g~rave/ye~s~igh~T w/h0 w/haT 0/n~e the. g.0/d de/b ris ~even eye t0/n~e t'leaven~d's hall 0 w e in c~0m~es seen s0/m e thrU le i burry bereft and be w/eft a w/heel and's keel in ness a w/are lent~il len(d)'s w/ear se ra maid' s0und' s~and a pr0/ f0und par/i/0 viv0 v0x's lay e s0w e t0 me mira c le appreciate de leg ate de a.d.eed~s pr0w t in c le ar e ly e

b l00 min fl0!wer e step inn ti'me t're ad~0ve in e me as u re t00 the re sPeak air e/a.d. e/b t0/r e deem air e the art h~and' smear e mer rye as pb f0re sea/t a w/e are f0re p/e~0/p/le x i c0n e bu0yant in reflecti0ne inn ten ti 0n e c0m/p/eat~0/n e me all's 0we the w/heel ed/e/n's e w/(h)arp ped pan e w/(h)eft all 0 w/e all 0'se~all 0 aves ai'me~s sage st.ate at/e~de in f/ac~t~0r~eye~in ten ti 0n e~w/hey e t00 th`ap pr0 0f e~ede/n' sit~eye ta w/ear ag~a inn e f/air ing f0r/t/e d-rug-0- d-rag-g-in-g-s-0b s0le at /0uch~and feel le i/b~car~rye~ c0mp(L)eat 0/ne ti'me 0/we

all a m0 st all vie pers have keel ed' scales t00 the mt pr0 0f i/t me/as/u/re t'up an/d c/up resTore inn te.g. r/i t~tye sw/all0w t hat at~s~till~en~s/up per tan p0re tw/(h)0 w(h)inges Peak Up in ease the sh0/u/Lder s~curve~ye 0n e C~(h)0 w0rding's~ end 's~ee pupils have vertically inn leisure ellipticall am bush eye fi re inn~s f0/r/t/h c/all inn g/L~and~i.d. c~limb e taw 0 ma~w/heat at rib u/te tri ang/le u lar g~e glances e xyz inn~svelt 0 w/e in cav~i~e~tye~s per are viv0 race i/0/u/s~len/d air ans and's~h0/n e t/0/hut/ch eye. g.i've i w/hup~an dye par i 0 t0/me a.d. just b.c. eye c/an apparently e week ly e vein~s~ea f0 am e~at ly e 0n e min e~c uP


0ne wh0 h0pes t0 speak tw/h0 e vein sa.m.e~0n e me/as/u/re in re all i ty e~


the b/l00/m~in~s~0w e the w/hey e w/(h)e~ave ns t00 the cl0! the s and cl0se in f0r eve re l eve l and s0w e in/c~ 2 see k~e~t hr U

ScreenShot20150205at85310AM ScreenShot20150205at85310AM

t-hat-at-was-s-curvy-e-t-rick- my appauloguys~with~it d-avid mispronounced 's-him-mer-writ-2-x-t00-the-s-pea-k/a-far-e-0n-e-necessary e 0n e sigh t : with s-him-0ne-ye-he-can-bye-a-st-ar-e-in-s-him-mer-ing-0/n-a.d.-scene name-vain-ly-e-f0/r/t/h/e/-g0/d's-Pea-king's- his vita min c di.d. kn0 t receive vita speak t0 me m/arr0w e b/0ne cessary en0ugh ten d~0/n ail ept pr0w t0g ether e sail 0!n e in ten t~i 0n e w/e g0 sling's hear t g/r/ace in fledging's 0ft p0cket pr~ides 0w/e ar/t h0/use


the s-curvy need's ink an d rain c's eth 0 vita vertically as pi re all in t'dust~rye us/e l~ly e till 0 de ns it ye w/heel e.g.ave the. g./rain~s p/r0ut~in it'~s/0/w/n e must ard i/ntegrity et tu` be re sT0r~e~

this page of supple men tarry 2 too the pr0 vis~i 0n e clear e c0ntinued ear~thrU min~see b/l00min~0.f/f~e~ 2nd page of hidefinitione =>

back to c/0ur/t 1 / the previous page