
Haul Lie Sprague w/ Re visiOn Eve in/n

N0vember 25, 2014

ad-den-dumb-c-harl0t-may-k-e :ye re-dud-ancey-in-nfant-see- d0th kn0 t hesitate / p ear 0 nature would kn0 w ell what to due with your dum b ass he/ll

I don't understand the in-dig-ni-ty-e- t i am a ware t/0/0 st. ate a gain:

P lease st.0p wasting pay per -2- day-T- & 4-x-f0-re your nonsense -t-0-u-r-ake 0ver e very 0ne inn0cents hat is kn0 t ah arm in k-in-d-count-ten-an-c-e vein with fi re in all arms : this is the same mess-age left with a "diffe-r-ent" "d-ate" -2- de t est pre sum ably e w/it ness ? i t ire 0f these "X" games-0n me.

i see k now serious as per gravit~ye gracefully, i see know serious lease violations eX cept you will not willing ly let me be act u all y e S, with S aid Reference at my be h e.st : this is n0t h0w you h0 your 0wn h0 baby-t-r0ll- not even s/trait not even m0/l n0t even steven or f*u fi fee van / you c-ain-t 0wn me vein K"not" w/ins-o-lence g-ran-d-st-and-ing-& "even" ban-d st.an-ding-fran i am 0le st ew e in a weak in nere t i'm e in g0's eek asp r0 vie d : c-ain-t you spin something knew f0rm/e t0/0 as tu`be t ray e n d re verse t-rend u/ e/ u/s age 0' gain in re ward = 0we in glee / i hard ly think this makes you hap pi, and you leave your creative options burning at the stake for me indePendently? Please stop advancing your fod-der. I have seen your scene -and- dodder, literally, & hope that i never have mo-re of your fluff to-ad dressed t0-mart-her

j/0wn 0f Arc was b urn ed at the st ake be cause she took away fan-t-as-y- fr0/m criminalls -2- get l-aid w/0ut end (e-vain-h0pe-n-) & without ever paying f0r the right 2 be d. s lee p simple luxury pr0ffered by miss tarry 0n 0ff -h-er // i have not made her dull as a d0-0r-k-n0-b-2-relay-t/in-w/rubbish-rub-x-b-in

b yearning bush ast i/de~e pr0clawment

just s0w eye w/kn0w eave n s0h. My intenti0n is t0 pay Dec rent, and sign up for the "annual family plan" w here you re t00l my' 0le finances with an i f0r e fine ness ;) We can talk t hen, and you can make sure I am poor enough for your reception as rep0rted / first h/and I will keep this f0rum f0r my reflecti0n f0re referencing being seen f0r/m/e as it began*act u all y e ve in ly inn st/aid= actyl ly a ware verb right en d are


From: tray-f-onawoo-denplatte-r-

Subject: WOW

Date: November 27, 2014 3:36:30 PM EST

To: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>


I have spent my afternoon learning. The last time I looked at your facebook page you had very little about yourself. Now how ever you have added quite the bit.
You have had a remarkable life and I would have loved to have learned it from you.
You have been given so many gifts in your life. You could have at least told me (and don't take this the wrong way) about the amazing things you can do with wood. I have found few people who can hear wood tell you what it wants to be, and by what I've seen you have remarkable ears.
I'm going to have to learn how to shut up and do some listening to you, because I'd love to hear it all from you.
Everything should be ready around one tomorrow.
Hope you had a wonderful day and a better night.
Yours with love, t-ray-f-

let's wear this right on the say/me page

does this h0use have a h0me t0 speak in/n ere t he sa.m.e -0re- are t hey! just creating-im(p)age f0re the same t rait 0f pay e t0 w h0 e way e

and w h0 does their fine image fall up 0n / in vain 0re in vein // i d0nt get a w0rd sh0rn 0f 0 pen valUe literally, w hen st.rives to create a visi0n of virtue ...

with0~ut re c0m pen se e // why do you sit on your write of way e t 0/day -e- with n0 relevant relationship 2 may k? ey e

do you think you will lose your in dig ni ant customers without a prowt, or due you own lie care to fostair their come-forte-t-are-mount- "phillosophicles" h(0)arder -2-re-0-rder // numericall principles d0nut apply t0 you if n0 0ne c an see thrU the gel ly belie yew cc -2-

i quest i 0n your ethics to be perceived conscientious ly without relay T /act u all y e see n in the 0 pen w/it ty~e w in g 0' d ing

ye, s0phistry can mask a lack of principle convict-i-on apparent lay / providing for m.o.-re- image may King -as- reel-at-e- ing -

i can not help you with your image to pursue -&- no re as 0n e tu` : your-e- m?0ne?y? will never afford your desire t0 pr0 0f, nor consolidate your virtue as truth 2 0 be re n0un sign if i can T : ly = all wayes sign if fi can T with ly e na.m.e ly en t/are the sa.m.e as ur/e t0/0 k eye p lace pi ece x peace 0 gain e c/enter rain e vein rain i.st due x dew ing 2. pr0 claim inim um at tained astardly t hanks at my e g0 pr0 wrait h 0re wt, you decide you r day T


h0w cut e, t heir 0neline graphics cat a s-had-0-w-eave-n- as if what they do and say is lifted from the very -e-p-age-2- reel-Ate-


f0r/m/e feigning the support necessary of a cheap prositute to "cheer" on the "side-lines" for the "Q-B" "&" "winning-te/am" : i see kn0w cUe/bee and no ability to catch(0)-ack u all ye. What is t here t0/0 be calm in if t here i n0 a g0 L0ng. I see o-w-n lie a "b-a-g" in the0ry-e- h0l-d-ing-0-ut-acit-ly-e -2-peery-e-with no query on "porpoise" ye perceive industriously e // please relay T 0 and-y-c, there is no fight, own ly 2 be pre sent & if ewe please. S0w, get your t-e/at-e- off your pomposity as your p-late and make an h0ne st DayT e vein ly e see n 0 pen ly


t/act in t0/0 th e w in d~& be am aid 2 g0 l0ng even t he sa.m.e' vein st. r/0/n g~ ist mi c all


ore is it quite frank=ly, if you separate the mind from the body of the w0man, you can market a g0/0d- i/m/age to your he-arts c0n-tent, with absolutely no nee D for x 4 A relationship in it, eve in 2 support your whole ten-dantsy- d-ance- as-an-art-i-fact- st.re/am-ing- (for no re as on eve in)ing


this seems innocuous p ear 0/i want to know what your good design has to do with me thorough ly e s0/n e the same plain x plane your e g0/d manners make relay Ti 0n e ship see/ams = wh0le


free d0 me ;) sUm e`ve in d/0ve ve rye lay T~i0n ship


From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>

Subject: rent

Date: November 28, 2014 7:41:13 AM EST

To: Curtis Cook <crnlcook@X0.net>

i will need $300 for rent / December, that you have not sup plied f0r/m/e t0/ ear n act u all y e t, much less h ear d by in sign ifi can t ly.


The h0 ly g/h0st -0-/-0- d/ate- is maid by a-men!'s mistake w/kn0w nee d (as desire) 2 relay T. A woman at m"0"st-act-u-ally-e-.Throwing tarps over women so they can't see their self w/ any pr0cured point of reference vein, is s-0-w t-hey find t-heir m-an cape-able in singular vision, and sub-sequence-i-tie-all-ye- provide him unity apparent-ly to keep. masturbating the se-am-e- miss-take-i the 0 pen --0w/ pen all ty e is passed across the seas t0 see, the 0cean of plastic em-0-ti0ns- fit fully unnecessary e. Please understand, women are literally st."0"ned ie st.-0wned to death, for speaking her essay t0 pr0 0f t w/ the same air e t0/0 thrU. f air an d square vein trUe ~Miss Fit w/ a per vie w : Christ, if he was, was not a pin Up for the whole world to see / l00k at me! l00k at why i can d0 e! It is because he wanted 2 act u all y e. T here f0r e The h0 ly g/h0st -0-/-0- d/ate- is maid by a-men!'s mistake w/kn0w nee d (as desire) 2 relay T // and see Miss Take Rake~ The f/ear end er-e/ad- n-ear, is m-an- sup-plie-ing -h-is-t- ficti0n w/ ill-u-sore-ye-pr0-vis-i-on- as "protection" for no one see k ing c lea r ie for no one he has mer it ed int0/u/r ecepti0n e vein. The indoctrinated fear of the "devil" the tower of babel, a woman cape able, the unrepentant prostitute, all m-aid up -e- at all c0-h0-st.s- going for war -d- or "kn0-t"// with inherent right "2" t-0-ss "with" no apparent (re N0un) L0ss "like"-an-0-missi0n-by-&-buy-per-miss-i-0n-e-


Re: [Who would want this 15 minutes of - not fame - shame? Ruelhi asked. So I am here to say to others who have come forward, and who I hope will come forward, it takes courage.] 2 relay T.

1. she is a "profess-i-on-all"

This didn't bother me as much as others hear, ie her repeated stamping of this "profess i on e" i just went about my business as kindly as i see fit 0 be. Yet, i did accompany her to the grocery store one night, and she spoke of her ancestors from being up north vis a vis ar00st00k c0unt ye, and i said 'potato eaters' re the artist from the 'netherlands,' and she said "Goya" and i didn't exactly cringe, however i am self taught in my art history, and Goya painting executions of his kin by fire light in Spain, is visually about as far as you can get from Van g0ghs country people eaters feet firmly planted on the ground in t able ating (0) h0me0static ally ie he painted people eating the potatoes they f arm ed w/ the merit of their own s0wn (h)and in s0/n, side by side, ne t0/0 be c/0m e in 0. gain an d0/ve~ un-less-you-say-it-any-e-way-e-t0/0-relay-t-w/ kn0w higher -as-aid-a-T-e-

ie he painted people eating the potatoes they f arm ed w/ the merit of their own s0wn (h)and in s0/n, side by side, ne t0/0 be c/0m e in 0. ah~ gain = eve in s0/n~e~

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Eve in keel and be Xample grant'd ist.ee/per end en eye d be calm e w in d mill sat is fact i 0n ;) ~ // steep 's'w0rd 0' preek ness elegance at a glance i feign you kn0 t is my s we at ness aye w hat hither an g'ave in ret ern ing ist m aid c lea r as peak ing W/ relativi~t~ye til de ar e~ noun X h ear t e a.m. in e ; 4g ravity & g race i spoke 2 x t0/0 relay T w/h0 p/e 0n deman-d- iffi p0 ke~in s pace t0/0 n0. ah gain an d


a miss tarry e t0 me h0w this made the "news" -2- day Thru-e-his-tory-e- & relay T on a competive scale of "0" t0 "0" may -k- ("0k") w/0ut he sit ate = 0' Lay T






shattered g lass is the first in c lass

d eclair i'm pr0w t eneye waye F*0ut as k = f as t



p.s. den m/ark i/t akes 2 x t0/u/r eap air 0ut 0' p0cket & i don't setse fly a/ir~in flesh & b l0! 0d m/ark/et


see c0n, see! the ha bit o re lay Ting able ly e


i w/under about the d-rug in all/c0/h-0-ll (h)a/b/it : A t/inc t/u/re by a m-ad r. abb0t : w hat c0 l0 r u (e) dye n ing X f/0ur eye st.ain is h0 rt 2 aim in the card inn all a's ain'ts i never e in ten deed ame in na.me all i've vein rate 2 be 'r0w t"0ut" he pattern 0ft mi grain 0.rigin in fa.m.eye dye t0 n0 ah gain 4 X mi pi ece 0ft m in t'd evein k n0 wing f0r/m/e~




a bell, three wi semen -&- the wise shrew men et u` ? 3Yseem en f0rty e('0dd)w e true, i din't pr0stitute yewe


sim.o.on rooted them from the st.able if he were a c0n 0re he were Abel-the-seriall-killer-s-able-b-lack "actually" inn tact asa Bell man per haps 0re he weekend Ab-ble ss Able a gain (is there any 0ne that can h0nest ly question t hat e...necessary fable w/kn0we repat ri ate able


br0 ken put-in t0 gether as scene Sp.0.ken inn acti-n:Clearly 4 ran landing


t0/0 x 2 leit f0re x 4 t able : i see the problem in teh cable : pate...re pate tri ate aint able

cAble: your fr-i-ends aint able


0/n ly ;) t/he TiT 0' t/ruth e will sett'ee ye fre in/& fi re pr0 0f i/n g able e/d as led as li.d.e did t0 me in ste ad 0g0/d c0mp any ang ie


com p laining ist -4- t-hoses t hat are week 0n "p0rp0ise" f0-re the c0mplaint -2- re-main-e-in-0-pen-a-gain-w/ in-com-e-the sa.m.e in frame-in-0-rig-in-/m-aid-e-n-

you are a stubborn "0x" that has no t 4 reflection, and you c-as-t your "l0t" to t-o-u-r- a m "o/t"

Nature kills with its teeth, my fr-i-end, you kill by h-ang-ing t hem in the Wind

I underst.and and under score your lack of self esteem, as just ly earned among me. // to rent your -moor- actually thru every 0ther b/0 dd y e f0re r00m t' gr0w e at pin a f0r e

i have bought product from this company. i would like to know why the use of their product does not merit a return to me directly, like the practice of making "pretty fonts" were a "front" to a "one" way use-age-2-con-t-in-u-e-t0-pr0-cee-d-in-too "eye didn't due?" = apparent-ly "2" looking 0/0 d 4xf0r e f0ll0w thrU, like a cup is not meant to be meaning full ent o/u/r e return i/n g & use it up act u ally e = thrU: the-i/r-?si-len-trick-le down theory is t"own" by not buying Up directly e stated as(een) in/sit/u ate d/0/ne

i also pay rent to live in an apartment, i am being intimidated to not proceed to think / in the 0 pen & i myT ad, doing their work of management and create safe h0 spice f0r t hem, without pay, without renumeration & I am being MADE to do it, in order to provide for my unmolested safe DayT haven, -4- which, curiously app-lied, t-hey want to c-laim they have had a h-and-in / virtuous ly seen eve inn / without pre sent at(e)~i 0n e ye. Why is it "ok" to be scene, i surmize, as simultaneously producing product--s of value without question, and without communication when directly presented.

why is it "ok" to not contribute to my grace full sustainabilty either by d0/ne ate i 0n e, 0r with a purchase of my pr0duct (using your product) apparent ly.

why is there no re all obligation, to see, and act ac cord in g lee, would it ruin your "thanks-giving" h-ang-ing- every body you don't care about act u all y e

i do not think you are funny, i do not think you are round 0/0r pr0found, if you do not care 2 c air e t0/0 s0und & re b0und alla h/r0und

you simply do not have the right to ignore me -&- proceed -2- make m 0ne y e Ap/par/e/nt LY. You are not ap/t, you are not a parent, you have no vie able relationship, you o-w-n lie p/are to save your "face" -w-ith no re as 0n e tw0 relayT : which is a disservice to e very 0ther e r/ace inn 0/n e wh0le t0 me may K : may K a st.and 0/0r b-land-ead


i have L(0ve)and granted &

you don't get to pass with0ut

h0me/age 2 functi0n e with aTL

as t Act~i 0n eve in/n 0 ah back h0e in g ump~ti~0ne U pay per vie w 2 rest0re in t0/0 th e m0re in/0ve n


you-r-in/n-acti0n- is my ass you are "riding" in "re-past"g-ran-d-st.an-ding-2- force war as b-(r)an-d-in-

you are also transposing the beggar to b/ear x b/are your "lot" in life as you never beg in/n the first place seen write x right industriously e t0 n eye T=L0ve being seen f0re X 4 just w/0/0d be am e very b0 d/dy~e X cept~i0n~ally~e~s ee k in w/out-ignore APPARENT LY F0R N0 RE AS 0/N E TU`S-K-0RE in -de-valUe p-0-r-e-

the 0/w/n ly e way e 4 x f0r e war d b/r/ave t0/u/r e st. 0/re in me ad e vein per sieve in grace & g/rav(e) ye may K as t ay Ke

in tha s0lid i gr0und u0 pen ly e st.ave t her r-ich builds Miss Trust nevertheless with my na.m.e~i am writing 0/n y0u as a fav0re t0 me in k fir.st.ly eu s/ink


w hat man is this that keepeth you from speaking i/n ear n est. avE ve in k ni/T, fore the time it is asked for it is rent m00r 0 & aye after ight plainly e t0 sea you'avet kn0w interest in pursuing at'e ac(h)tually http://xubrnt.bigcartel.com/product/2d-perf0rmance-a-rt-m-ark-et-p0st-card


speak w/hat you want~0~hair e thre ad b are f0ra fe i/r0/n y e T~air e the h0ney e be/e s/pair e nd' ye will add ew t0/0 k are


your competitive industry, eve in to kn0-t be seen with me, incurs a war with all probability -&- yet you save your face to be seen a virtue in reliability in the 0 pen without me on the sa.m.e plain x plane : you serve no body solidly, safely, entirely & you t-end-2- like the pain, you pass on in vain.

there is no one in your industry to talk 2, you just keep the beggar there to b-ridge the service of your industry -2- apparentLY be in constant need of reap-air-e- as an "insurance provider" if you -d- air-e-


you app/ear t0 be s-hut (scene hut) apt-ly e re "kn0-t" a pare/n't, a pair rent, not even t0/0 x 2, act u all y e thrU tw0/0 define in my 0n/i ti'me as such igh D. Me y0n i f0r an(y) eye = Me = M 0ne y e ntirely e supplyed -verses- Y-0-u h/ave supp-lied, s-hut 0n-e-in-g-races-t0 ruin "x" hi-de. Your s-hut is transf0rming the beggar-e- thru s-h/ear force of indifference to "keel" app-lied over competitive time -&- supp-lied- as-p0rt-2-reel-re-p0-0r-t-0n me in my ti'me as c-0-h-0-r-t- c0ll0 qu/i all y e 0n ever elevant ly e Landing> it myT' be/e nice 2 get this supplied w/ all due diligence as~i'd~e~

ironically, i could request paul drinan's pre-sense hear, (he can join any time he feels)and see what he h-as to say for himself for reel. he is s-hut, scene hut, & i myT ad an act0r in n-ever-e-l-an-d-. ironic i say because all the action roles fo-re x 4 me-n apparent ly e 0n the screen e t0/0 define them / s h0 win g ly, among the women spectators e vain is truly scene hut, i say, with all relativity in my e wake yes part ans w/aves as the p-ar-t paul sh-00d 0-wn p-lay w/ his relativity to dayT is hut he c-ain-t b-rave in aLL 0t -&- that doesn't stop him from taking w-hat he "thinks" he m-aid up e.// p.s. how do i really feel: he is not a hut, A hut has self determination inn/0f :he is a num-b-nut-f0r-ce-st-eall-0f-t-en-0ugh-


he missed the b/0 at relati0n all y e si-m/ply by believing his "graciousness" did kn0 t eX ten d 2 me as t0 me t0/U re verse it ad equate ly in the 0 pen use e -&- he kept my m 0ne y e, f0r work supplyed in/n his name, apparent ly et tu` define d actyl ly e re~fine~d a.m. e in a.m.e // any way e ye cain / the non sequitor for hi-re- f0r/m/eyes fa.m.e t0/0 kn0 t despise in vain-a-gain- as pi re : t here isnot a "second" race among the s-hue m an gr0ve g-race w0rth pursuing-at any r-ate night 0-re day T ~eye put the de/finite tie 0n t0/0 be Ye f0und/0 pen ly e at en eye t rait with fertile ye sayere see/all/t a bundant ly e g. t0 me n/aim/ly e vein a.m.e ly in vane st.ate 0 be ein g re at e~

s0w he dam-me-d- me -&- took the money -&- ran apparent ly. And n0w out of the s/h/all0w i see n0w he must and 0n e / is 0wn actually e = he ran 0-ver me, f0re the say-k-0/f every b 0d dy e untruth full ly & this is w-h0 he can turn 2 for c0mf0rt w/ my money e t-ex-t-0r-ted for reference use e d-avid-an'a g0 liath -and-ol/lar-ound- a. m.e -&- s-p0r-t-s ad-b-us-t 0ccaision ull ye-with-0-ut-he -sit -ate -i -0n- e-pr0w-t- 2 not beef ound 0ubt in g ly (m) e at in g0-d- c0mp-any-e- (t hat c-ain-t relayT act u all ye)


b/eu p/lank as tw/0x0f/0ur e bef0r e dres~sai~decking fl0!were st.eppes t.0ne t/0wn dyne t/0DayT e direct ly eg r/asp in g/as s0w0n 0 ah gain e we g0 girlfriend ew/e fl0!wer es in e (h) and pr0 vie di.d. w/hey 0 n0urishme~an~t a far e ve-rses-e-x-c-h/ange-d-men-t-in-ste-ad-w/-steppes removed & what 0/0 kn0w L edge -u- as s0ciety ab-uses-you-2- in-sit-u-st-ate-



f lat at e rapid ly e s0wn si ne

c-harlotte thinks she has a hall way pass w/out ever taking it around t0wn to use i/t a/s k. shouldn't i be a ware of far war bearing feelings and know ne to present it communcally i not it t/huss ly ab 0ut

w/h0 she tame in 0ff inns zinn

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